
RePete's World of Bicycling Adventures - Unlimited !!!

The renowned RePete provides insight, tours and other exciting sites for the cycling enthusiast!

RePete's World of Bicyling Adventures - Unlimited. Tours, tales and other interesting topics to the bicycling enthusiast.


Go to the index for all Freewheel'n releases...featuring for November / December, 2006:

***Let Me Come In***

This my annual holiday release. Read this special poem and enjoy!!!

Last update 11/21/06

Who is RePete?

This veteran cyclist has over 20 years experience that encompass nearly 30,000 miles. Average approximately 2,800 a year and participates in 80 or more tours that include 2 or 3 centuries. Active in community and charity events such as the MS City to Shore Tour. Held office of president and prior to that of vice-president for a local bicycle club. Now a Ride Leader for two separate clubs in South Jersey. Pace and distance vary on time of the year. Early season rides average 12 - 14 and build to 16 -18 MPH. Distances vary from 10 to 55 miles.

Additional cycling certifications include a Qualification Brevet Card from the International Randonneurs (required for participation in the Paris-Brest Paris Randonneur).

Quest Tours Scheduled for 2007!

Here are all the great tours led by RePete:

Weekend Rides!


Featuring the very popular Peach Blossom


Join RePete as we cycle to the U S Pro Race in Philadelphia!!


Smithville Tour


Do you dare ride this...
The route of the headless cyclist?
Piney Hallow
Legend has it that several cyclist were chased and have not been seen since!!!!

Weekday Rides!

These are held at various times and days. Click on the name to view description and details.
Just Tour'n.

Updated 03/15/2006


This way to read the lastest update of Quibbles.
Currently featured:


****"Gettysburg, Pennsylvania****

Updated 01/07/06


What happens to an old Quibble???
Well...they become a Quale! Here are some great sites including:

****RePete's Rage!!!***
****"Access To "Failure At Every Turn" A Philadelphia Inquirer Special Report****

RePete returns to Charity Rides with the Tour de Shore!"

***Member's Viewpoint***
RePete explores a club's misadventures with replacing their jersey!

***True Colors***
RePete responds to being questioned about his "True Color"

***Street Smarts Part V***
Using your tips from Bicycling Magazine!!

***Tribute to Lance Armstrong***
As he prepares for the Olympics, a word on his recent accomplishments at the Tour de France

***Personal Word of Thanks***
To the many that responded to my posting on diabetes!!

***Spring Cleaning - Suggestions on our favorite the chain & cogs!***
***Riding Techniques...Steer Out of Trouble***
***Preview...Tours for the Year 2000!***
***Riding in Traffic..."Riding Across Non-Standard Intersections"******
***South Jersey Wheelmen Convention Photos...Check These Out!!!******
***Riding in Traffic...Riding Through Intersections***
***Equipment Needs for the Coming Season***
***RePete vs. Roberta of NJ 101.5...Who Won?***
***New Cyclist...Dianne's Son***
***New Jersey to build 2,000 miles of bike paths What does RePete have to say***
***Tales of Pauline: RePete had his bike repainted?***
*** City to Shore, 98: Back to back centuries ridden for Multiple Sclerosis.***

Last update 09/05/05


Say...just email me your comments. I’ll publish those that show your interest or achievements.

Featuring in July

Klaus Gottwald
Bill Cotton
Mark Hoagland

Tour Reports - Maui!!
George Farnsworth of
Mark Nelson

Women think they already know everything,
but courses are now available for women on the following subjects:

Subject: Read text before you look at picture!!!
My thanks to Jade.

Open letter to all vacationers, beachgoers, and other tourists who may bring or rent a bike while on vacation.
My thanks to Pete

Last update: 03/28/04

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RePete was forced into early retirement!!! Let me know of any ideas, suggests and jobs...

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