
RePete's World of Bicycling Adventures - Unlimited !!!

SJW Convention – 2005




SJW Convention – 2005


October 14 – 16, 2005




October 14


This year’s event was held in Gettysburg at the Quality Inn on Business Rt. 15.  Attended this with Linda.  Events were much different than that back in 1992.  Then I arrived early with Larry Hobbs while Linda drove separately.  This year we drove together leaving on Friday at 9:00 and arrived around 12:30.  We drove down US 322 and crossed into Pennsylvania over the Commordor Perry Bridge.  Continued on US 322 to Rt. 100 and then onto the PA Turnpike.  Stopped for lunch at Bakers Restaurant on Rt. 15 in Dillsburg.  Upon nearing the motel, seen Eileen and Scott.  Gary was inside the lobby stuffing envelopes, one of which he gave to us.  We were told by the front desk that the room would not be ready until 3:00.  The room was available near 2:30 and featured two single beds.  Linda would later find that sleeping was very uncomfortable. 


The ride started about 3:30 and had a nice size group that Gary led.  I rode the Peugeot, the same bike used 13 years ago.  We went through the battlefield and out.  My total miles for the year amounted to under 600 and did not want to challenge any major climbs.  Decided to return with Eileen and Susan.  Total miles for the tour amounted to 15 miles.  Returned with strength remaining for Saturday’s ride.


Dinner that night was a buffet at General Pickett’s Buffet Restaurant.  Price of the meal was only $12 and included carved roast beef. 









October 15


Saturday’s ride was longer.  Gary had mentioned it would climb some of the same hills we rode the last time in Gettysburg.  These were simply too much for me then…and I had no intention of facing these again.  Broke away from the group and cut the route short to just over 29 miles.  I had the small camera and took serveral photos both with the group and when I was riding solo.  Just outside of Gettysburg, my rear derailure jammed and was bent.  Straighten this out just enough to allow me to return to the motel, all while missing and skipping teeth.  Decided that would be enough ridding, cancelling any idea of the final ride for Sunday.


Biginning of Saturday’s Ride

In parking area









On the Road -  Are We Lost Already?







Off Alone…Could God be Telling Me Something???







Still Riding Alone…???








Dinner that night was at the Dobbin House built in 1776 and is now a restaurant.







October 16


Sunday was spent with Linda.  Driving within the battlefield, walking and doing shopping both in town and at the Gettysbury Outlet Mall. The wind was blowing fairly hard with the sky becoming overcast. This just seemed to be the signal that the Convention was over and time to return home.  The previous two days were sunny and mild, especially Saturday.  We left the mall about 2:30.  I was not in a good mood…always hate when the Convention ends.  I know there will be many months separating when or if I will be seeing the group again. 









People that attended this event included Gary Pilling, Klaus Gottwald, Scott, Eileen, Sam, Ray, Jim & Matha Gullo, Ron & Judy Ball, John & Sussan Leopold, Al Jackson and Norma’s and her family.
























I broke off at Kaoxlyn Rd toward Rt. 30.  Then rode Crooked Rd to Mummasburg. Took Goldenville Rd and rejoined club’s route at Russell Tarven Rd.




Gettysburg Motor Lodge