Welcome to our site. On each of the pages you will find information on anything from range, selection, appearance, housing, lighting, temperature, feeding so on and so forth.... Even breeding and egging information on each specific reptile. Im even gonna throw in at no extra charge, species and sub species information and pictures. Also on each page I have put in lots of links to take you to the best products and information on whatever it is we are talking about. So I hope you enjoy this site and find it very helpful and useful. And if you have any questions, dont hesitate to email us. We will help you out  however we can.
Dale Earnhardt Cars
This is our WaterDragon Guido. He eats 24/7. He can never get enough crickets,superworms or pinkies. (He even likes to eat the cereal I throw in there for the crickets) He can`t wait for his next meal. He is constantly tearing up his cage looking for his next tender morsel to chomp down. The only time he is`nt eating is when he is sleeping or soakin up some rays off the basking lamp. Guido is about 2 years old and we have had him ever since he was a little big eyed alien. He looked like an alien cause he had to grow into his eyes. lol. We have his baby pics on one of the WaterDragon pages. check em out!
This little lady is Roxy, or as I like to call her, Foxy Roxy. She is a really pretty female Water Dragon, with the most beautiful turqoise coloration. She laid 12 eggs last year (not bad for her first time). So im hopeing for good things this year. She was a little skinny when I first got her , but we took care of that , no problem.She is very healthy and very active. She loves jumping and running and climbing. The new 260 gallon Reptarium I was constructing for them is complete. Click on 1 of my many pics links and go to mylizards2 page to check this thing out. It is awesome!!!
This little beauty, would be one of our Gecko`s Sylvia. She is a very cute hi-yellow Leopard Gecko, ( Eublepharis macularius ) and as you can see she loves to climb. During most of the day she goes into her little house and sleeps. But the time she is up she will climb all over. She is also very curious and is always tryin to check you out and see what your up to. If she can`t see you she will climb somewhere so she can. As you can see from her picture. (What are you lookin at!? You lookin at me!? You lookin at me!?) lol.
This big boy, would be Big Bruce. He is a very handsome lavender Leopard Gecko. He basically does`nt want to do anything but lay around all day. I have`nt had him very long but so far he does`nt much care for attention. If he see`s you hanging around he will go hide out. And he will only eat when no one is looking. But one thing that he does like is sleeping on top of his little girlfriend Sylvia. And from what i`ve seen it does`nt bother her much. She even sometimes likes to be on top. lol.
This pretty little girl is Stacey. She is a very nice Tangerine leopard with the remaining Lavender forming the circle on her back. The spotted areas on her body look almost see thru, almost clear, It is very cool to look at. She is still a little young so  we probably wont get any eggs from her this year. But if you look at Sylvia in this picture on the right, you can see she is expecting. So we are looking forward to a bunch of little Lavender High Yellows this Summer, We cant wait. Cant go letting the Panther Crew take over the whole town now can we! LOL
The Crew
If you see these guys on the street, stear clear. They are a part of the notorius Panther Gecko crew or the (Paroedura Pictus) gang. There gang consists of one male (upper left picture upper left gecko) and 3 females (the little one in the right picture is with a different owner). They are an active bunch and are constantly working on taking over more territory for there ever expanding empire. They have been working on producing offspring since the first day I had them home. So if you have`nt seen them around, dont worry you will. So you had better lock all your doors and windows. Cause there coming.
Well this little guy is Sammi.  He is a Castel or better known back in the hood as (Oedura Castelnaui) but dont you call him that or he`ll kill yah. lol. As you can see he is still rather young but maturing quickly. His girlfriends are on there way, they are even younger and smaller than him right now. But if the offspring we get from them are as pretty as this, we might have a hard time sharing them with anyone. :) And they will be in high demand.
Oh look here is one of Sammi`s friends now , this little black castels name is roc. She has made Sammi alot more fun to watch since she has arrived. Before he would just hide alot , now as you can see they love to climb and follow eachother around the cage. They also like to climb on the glass and see how high they can get. It is really cool to see them stick to the sides. They love chasing around crickets to, those crickets dont stand a chance with these two around.
These are sammi`s parents, as you can see, very pretty Gecko`s. These have got to be my favorite Gecko to work with. They are very friendly and very cute. But they are also very hard to find, especially this color. So as soon as our little clan starts to increase, you will all be the first to know. So keep your eyes open. They`ll be comin to a theatre near you, lol.
links to friends sites
Dale Earnhardt Cars
Froggie B Creations & Collectibles
Heavenly Herps
If you would like to add your link email it to me and I will get it posted asap. I just ask you do the same for me. Thanks,  ReptiJ
Herp Forum
If you are looking for specific products commercial links can be found at the bottom of the main Gecko and WaterDragon pages.
Wrapped up in Reptiles