This web site has not been changed/updated or accurate since sometime in the year 2000. Although it is still an interesting site to visit, and SOME of the stuff you will find in the pages here is still true, some is not.

Some of my links might be out-dated or no longer exist. And although the email links are still valid, they are not checked daily. If you send me an email, I WILL respond, but it may not be for a month or more! SORRY!

Working 2 jobs, and trying to have personal time with my boyfriend, my 10 year old son, my new family addition (a 1yr old Hahn's Macaw), AND get as much riding in on my Sportster.... I don't ever have time for playing with my site.

I hope you will understand and please continue to visit me and sign my guestbook!! I still check it on occasion! ; )

For info on the most venomous snake in the world... CLICK HERE!
**Or if you just need a good laugh!!**

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Sexiest Men in the WORLD!!

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