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The Guest Curmudgeon -Deanna Hart |
“Unrehearsed, unplanned, completely unintentional.” So said MTV officials, in wake of the Janet Jackson nipple shield peep show during Sunday’s Super Bowl halftime show. A spokesperson for Justin Timberlake, Ms. Jackson’s partner in grime, chocked the whole thing up to a simple case of a “wardrobe malfunction,” and cheerily laughed it off as an unforeseen bustier error. Mistakes were made …the garment had issues. What can you do when red lacey undergarments go missing? Now the FCC and the NFL are up in arms about this shocking and outrageous display in the midst of the sacred ceremony of testosterone that is known as the Super Bowl. Who’s zooming who here? Okay, so sexist beer commercials, strip club cheerleader uniforms, pathetic Viagra come-on’s, Britney vs. Pink in chain mail gladiator outfits are okay but we draw the line at boobs? God Bless America! In a big gulp nation such as ours, is it really that shocking that Ms. Jackson-to-you decided to show her breast on national TV in front of millions? After all, she does have a new album coming out next week; and don’t forget that brother Michael’s last release was somewhat of a stinker for him so sister Janet is taking no chances and is creating a little controversy before the album sags, I mean drops. Why such a sanctimonious hissy fit about the peep show? Because there’s an allotted time and place for sexual escapades, quasiporn, and blatant profiteering, and apparently it’s not during the half time entertainment. I mean think about it, amidst the barrage of beer, erectile dysfunction and soda commercials, not to mention the bone crushing aspects of football itself, why the furor over this sad little peep show? It is neither shocking or outrageous amidst the din and spectacle that is the Super Bowl. A little surprising maybe, but isn’t it much more outrageous that Brother MJ sees fit to wear epaulets and arm bands to his arraignment on child-molestation charges, bringing his newfound Nation of Islam friends, appearing 30 minutes late, having to go winkies halfway through the proceedings, and finally tap dancing and doing his crotch routine atop an SUV? And just as Halliburton admits no wrongdoing while simultaneously acknowledging that it did, in fact, overcharge the US government to the tune of $27.4 million dollars in Iraq for meels on wheels for the troops, just as Ken Lay is living comfortably in Houston while Martha Stewart is sweating bullets in a Manhattan courtroom even as I type, it’s not the misdeed or malfunction that will get you in trouble, it’s the lack of control that gets the government, the cable tv companies, the professional sports leagues truly annoyed because it’s all about control of the disreality plasma bubble that we’re talking about here folks. So try explaining to your kids that the Challenger explosion was an unforeseen event, the tiles were never an issue, Ken Lay was entirely ignorant as Enron imploded, Dick Cheney is not in the oil business, George W. Bush was not AWOL from the National Guard during Vietnam, it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, etc. etc. and forget about the boob at halftime. I know I’m trying to… |