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Shock and Awe at the Merriam Webster House
    There is an insidious venom affecting everyone in our country. Those responsible for the spread of this disease are not using bacteria or viruses, they are using something with much longer implications: language. The liberals in America have found a way to pass their agendas without the consent of the majority. For years liberals have been altering the common vernacular in an attempt to warp our mind. Judges, using judicial activism have only aided in this dilemma.

     It all started with welfare. Franklin Delano Roosevelt started a program known as temporary assistance to aid those negatively impacted by the great depression. It was designed to serve as short-term relief while people looked for new jobs, and in fact was never devised to be a permanent social program. That all changed when temporary assistance became known as welfare. This name removed the short-term nature of the program and made it appear necessary to help those in society. Welfare, it has such a nice ring to it doesn't it? Helping those who need help no matter how long it takes. This still made the program appear to be almost like charity, and we all know charity can be revoked. So, now we have the newest incarnation: Entitlements. This is the polar opposite of the initial short-term purpose of the program, and does away with the charitable aspect of it as well. It has become Robin Hood, where the liberals steal from the working middle class (whom they define as rich), and try to make the poor equal to the rest of us. You can never get away with removing entitlements now can you, I mean people are entitled to them! See how language has changed essentially the same program from expendable to necessary.

     The liberal left and their witting accomplices the media have just completed another degree of trickery on the American public. Some of you may have heard of a term that was used until just a few months ago: illegal alien. Now, from what I could gather an illegal alien was an individual who broke US immigration laws to enter, remain, and mooch off the United States Government, and hence the taxpayers. These individuals were aptly known as illegal aliens, since there are in fact legal methods to gain entrance and reside in the United States, and they chose not to adhere to them. Then all of a sudden they were no longer illegal aliens they were undocumented aliens. Well, of course they are undocumented, they arrived illegally and hide from the government in order to remain in the US, commit crimes (not all, but some), and drain our resources. But the presentation is all wrong. It makes it seem much more germane to be undocumented (which would almost appear to be the governments fault) than to be illegal. It is also much easier to sell citizenship to change undocumented aliens to documented aliens than it is to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. Again, America has been duped and it will not be long before America gets crushed under the weight of this undocumented dilemma.

     Finally, The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, engaging in their very own unconstitutional judicial activism has decided to redefine marriage. This my readers is not only a grave concern to those who oppose gay marriage but should be a wake up call to everyone except the far left. If the courts can redefine the bedrock concept of marriage, which in our society and throughout civilization has been between a man and a woman, where will it stop? While I personally am opposed to gay marriage, but would be willing to listen to arguments for civil unions, that preference holds no place in this argument. The fact is that once we allow courts to redefine these bedrocks principles on which our society is based, how long until they redefine free speech to no longer be truly free, change who are "the rich" so they can tax the middle class more to pay for their social programs, and continue to alter the constitution until we are no better then a dictatorial regime. I ask everyone know to remember who we are and where we came from, because it is imperative we remember, because soon all we may have left of our once great society are the memories.
- Joshua S Martin