Republican Jokes

Humor and political commentary directed at the Republican Party, the Far Right, and those who lead them.

Republicans . . . Laugh at `em - Vote against `em

The Dubya Collection
Section One Section Three
Section Two Section Four

Section Five

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Deadeye Dick Cheney

Dick "Montgomery Burns" Cheney

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America's Piggybank under the Bush Economy

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The Ultimate In Summit Meetings
God & Bush Engage In Policy Talks

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Compassionate Conservatism at its Best
Who put the ASS in Compassion?

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Republican Credo

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Even More Republican Jokes - Don't miss Shrub Gump :)

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The Cornad Burns Collection

Number One
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KickBack Mountain: The Movie
starring Tom Delay & Conrad Burns
A Jack "Man in Black" Abramoff Production

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Michael Brown's Christmas Card











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Republicans . . . Laugh at `em - Vote against `em

Return to the Top









Section One

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The sad damned truth about the Bush Presidency (or more accurately, one of many sad damned truths about this administration).


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Republicans . . . Laugh at `em - Vote against `em

Return to the Top










Section Two

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Things Republicans Believe.


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Republicans . . . Laugh at `em - Vote against `em

Return to the Top










Section Three

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Need a break from the Bush / Cheney / NeoCon pack of lies?
How about a message from a true statesman . . . a true leader . . . a true American hero?
It may be a bit slow to load, but it's a message worth hearing again. Don't forget to turn the sound on.

Click Here.


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Republicans . . . Laugh at `em - Vote against `em

Return to the Top










Section Four

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Register to Vote
Information on how to and where to register can be found:


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Republicans . . . Laugh at `em - Vote against `em

Return to the Top










Section Five

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The George Bush Is Not Stupid Convention, 2005.


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Republicans . . . Laugh at `em - Vote against `em

Return to the Top









Caricatures George Bush Iraq War
Cartoon George W Bush Political
Cartoons George W Bush Jr Politics
Commentary President Weapons of Mass Destruction
Entertainment President Bush WMD
Fun Cheney War on Terrorism
Funnies Dick Cheney Lies
Funny Richard B. Cheney Liars
Humor Vice President Liar
Joke Republican Capitol Hill
Jokes Republican Humor Congress
Links Republican Jokes Senate
Parodies Republicans White House
Parody GOP Democratic
Political Humor Grand Old Party Demos
Political Jokes Conservative Jokes Democratic Party
Quotes Right Wing Democrats
Sarcasm Right Wingers Liberal
Satire Conservative Right Liberals
Dubya Elections Left