WHY THE GOOD FRIDAY AGREEMENT IS UNACCEPTABLE The British occupation of the six counties is as unlawful as it is undemocratic. Partition was imposed upon the Irish people, thereby creating an illegal unionist veto which is still in existence eighty years on. Real republicans therefore, on principle, must practice a policy of non - cooperation with the state. The political path is not an option for those Republicans who refuse to collaborate with the forces of occupation. The agreement allows for the surrender of Articles 2 and 3. This goes against the fundamental principle of Republicanism, its' implementation would spell not only the recognition, but the copper - fastening of partiton. The Stormont government of old is just as unacceptable today as ever it was. Any Nationalist who sits in Stormont is , despite the sincerity of their intentions, not only accepting British rule but aiding in its' administration. In the same way, any Nationalist who joins the policing board is guilty of enforcing British rule in Ireland. The British conquered this country through force of arms, for 800 years they have used their military might to torture the hearts and minds of the Irish people. They continue to impose their foreign, expantionist tendencies, upon the North. They then have the audacity to demand weapons from the Irish, their only form of defence against such an imperialist onslaught. The agreement removes the political status of so - called "dissident" Republicans. By accepting the Belfast agreement, Nationalists are condemning the only soldiers in Ireland who still have the will to physically oppose British oppression . British interference in Ireland goes against the will of the majority of its' people, it is immoral. My final thought then , You are not welcome in our country, so FUCK OFF. NED |
This is a monthly column written by a friend of ours, on how he sees Ireland | ||||||||
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