G- A "G" means that it’s for all audiences. A five year old could red it without Mommy’s concern. They will probably be humor in these with a small love story. (But something small like Fuu and Ferio’s relationship form Magic Knight Rayearth) There could be a hug and a small kiss of the cheek but not much more.

PG- A "PG" is still for all audiences with a little more drama. The five year old could still read this but might get a little lost because they will be more detailed and don’t just put-things-out-there. These can be a little dramatic with a little bloodshed but nothing to horrific. And there can be a little more romance.

PG13- A "PG13" is the general rating for most fanfictions. These can be action packed with a some bloodshed. And if it’s a romantic fanfic then you can actual have people kiss but they won’t be doing the nasty-nasty in a PG13. The battles re intense so I say about your average eleven year old should be able to get something good from it.

R- An "R" rating is where things get tricky. Here is where you have the super-mega intense stuff. These will be action packed will all types of stuff. In battles you can expect tears, blood, scrapes, scars, and all that good stuff. In romance you can expect pretty extreme stuff and hints at sexual content but none will be written.

An "NC17" rating usually has sexual content within. This can be just a little Shounen-Ai- at worst that is boys kissing each other, Hentai/ecchi- this is girl/boy relationships, Yoai- boy/boy relationships, or Yuri- girl/girl relationships. Sex will play a big part so you’ve been warned. And if it’s NC17 for violence you bet the battles are extreme. There is really no limits on NC17 stuff.

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