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Requiem of the Soul

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Tuesday, Feburary 1st, 2005
Brian is a great addition to the lineup and we have found a new guitarist: Kerrey . . . something. He has amazing talent and he will add a lot to our sound.


Saturday, December 4th, 2004
Practice tomorrow. Lots written, we seem to be going into a more black metal direction, especially with the addition of Brian, who I've added to the site, unfortunately, he's still under 'skelter' I need a name for him before I change it


Monday, November 15th 2004

I have finally purchased a guitar which makes writting much easier. We have lyrics for the perviously untitled song (now entitled Track 5 ) We have some new material in the works that is slowly comming into completion. I am currently trying to find a cheap audio track mixing program to layer some tracks and make lyric writing and vcal line searching much easier. Our line up has changed yet again. We have dropped patty and picked up the talented guitarist from bolimia: Brian. We are contemplating dropping our current drummer for another possible canidate. I'm too lazy to update the members section now, so it is old, but eventually I will . . .
Practice is hard to come by due to now three of the members working and atempting to juggle school, and at least me and brian, relationships that take up a good deal of our time. We have a good luck charm on our heads now, the vocalist of Nila has given Eric his semi-signature jacket and wished the band luck. In light of new memebers, equipment and motivation, things should get better. If I can get a hold of that program, I shall post some downloads, which actualy might be sooner than espected, at least some one track guitar songs. I'd say I'd post soon, but it's a damn lie, so later

Monday, September 19th 2004

SITE UPDATE! With new memebers and various new relationships things needed to be sorted out. Jimbo (me) has joined another band as well called Bolimia It's a much harder death metal act but we've got some good stuff. you can find a link to their site in the links section of the site. Workin' on some new material, but hell, we always are due to lack of material in the first place. If we had better equipment or were good enough to rent a studio we would post downloads, but alas, we suck, sorry. later

Monday, September 19th 2004

Hey Slackers! Looks like its been a long ass mother fucking time since anything was posted here. A lot has happened recently although, nothing new has been recorded except for some shit I recorded with Jimbo’s Mic. The first news is that our search for a drummer and a guitarist has finally come to an end. Our good friends Andy Harlow (the British kid from our contest) has decided to take up the complex art of drumming, while Travis Sorensen (Our "Special" friend from the contest) decided to learn the deceptively difficult skill of git-box playing. We have written some more music, and Jimbo has recorded a disc for me, with 5 guitar tracks in need of lyrics, Water, and our cover of Dr. Stephen. Otherwise not much has happened in the life of Requiem of the Soul, but the life of Jimbo has improved. He has been the bass player in another band called Bolimia, and they are infinitely ahead of us as far as music goes. We wish Jimbo and Bolimia luck, but also hope that Jimbo remembers which singer loves him more. (me)

Monday, September 19th 2004

We had practice the other day. so far we have songs started to: Painless, ballad of fallen angels, and two untitled. no downloads will be posted for a while because all of my sound samples went to shit, sorry :( Hopefully after your next practice we will have at least one song COMPLETED! later

Sunday July 4th, 2004

Some small updates; Me and Eric have recorded a version of "Dr. Stephen" by Stephen Lynch becuase we are odd. I have recorded a new version of water to put up on the site, and Some acoustic instrumentals of our otehr songs will be put up soon too. Also, Eric has now become an ordained minister. He will no longer be refered to as "Ctp. Sexy*, but Rev. Sexy

Sunday June 20th, 2004

We had practice on friday, We got some good shit writtten and some odd pictures, I'll put them up soon, as soon as I figure out how to do it. later

Thursday June 17th,2004

Dylan has left the band due to personal reasons and We are well into creating painless. The Acoustic Istrumental water has been created, but the song is very low volume, but I'll try to get it up on the site soon. Practice tomorrow, so maybe we can put our ideas together. later

Wednesday March 10th, 2004

I finnally got a mic, but my computer is being a dildo so i can't record due to my lack of programing. I did work on the website and it's comming along quite nicley . . .okay I lied, it sucks, but that's okay, I know nothing aobut HTML. I am hoping to scan in some of my Logos, pictures of us, finish the broken links and Idealy addd some MP3 clips, but It doesn't look likely. We look forward to more practices and such, so I'll update as things happen, later

Monday March 8th, 2004

Practice today, hopefully we can write on to some existing stuff and link our ideas together. Today it will only be me (jimbo), Patty and Eric and my house, because Dylans dad is a prick we can't practice there. I'm looking into getting a new mic for my computer so we can begin recording. So as it stands, We're struggling: we have shitty amps, no second guitarist, no vocal equipment, aobut 1 complete song, nothing recorded and a really really shitty site . . . until next time when I get off my lazy ass and update.