Art of Fractal--Fractal Creatures
Factal art can create realistic creatures. Many  are serious, Some I see as very funny. You will of course make up your own minds about that. In any case I hope you enjoy this little indulgence of mine, in the fractal world where creatures can take on shapes and colourings that can never be found in real life on this planet.

On the other hand, many of my creatures show remarkable resemblance to the real living forms in our personal part of the Universe. Which is not surprising really, as the science of Chaos--and it is a science-- speaks the words 'unexpected' and 'infinity'--which leave room for all the possibilities that are beyond our imagination as well as those that are familiar to us.. This I think is rather nice.
  Imagine, some day maybe the monkey really will will be able to write Shakespeare! Deliberately, and not as an accidental order from chaos.
If you would like a special fractal made just for you, please
email me. Samples can be found here.
.Albatross The wanderer who spends most of life at sea, landing only to breed and meet again their life partner, in the same place year after year.
Black Castaway. This is based on an early shell work called 'Castaway'. These images remind me of the sea.
Eleflint. Nearly a blue elephant...perhaps
A pair of strange eyes. It's remarkable how genuinely organic forms can be seen among fractals. Maybe not remarkable really, as the more we learn about fractals, the more we see the fractal forms in our environments: in plants, clouds, smoke, water, geologies, and ourselves.
Butterfly Reflections.
Lots of faces in this fractal, based on a formula by Guido Limena of Italy.
A Bird inside and surrounded by spirals
A colourful flirt
Button Eyes
Home;  Gallery One Gallery One Page Two   My Favourites
Gallery Two--A Spiritual Dimension  Gallery Three--A Garden of Spirals
Gallery Four and my precious  AWARDS, with some favourite links; Gallery Five--Outer Space
Gallery Six  Wonderful Flowers   Gallery Seven--Scenery/ Landscapes; Gallery Nine--Metallics
Te Maunga Tapu (The Sacred Mountain) Poetry Page   Wharenui
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I am constantly changing the pages on this site, adding more galleries, and switching images. If you would like me to let you know when I make these changes, I will be happy to
email you with details.
This page created on May 27, 2001
Updared  January 11, 2003
Aotearoa New Zealand Time
A proud Aotearoa New Zealand site
Copyright 2001 Merren Parker
All rights reserved.
I don't steal from you;
so please don't steal from me.
email me instead <:-))