Rules and info for requesting...

If you have nothing to trade, and you would rather just reimburse me for the cost of tapes, postage, and other miscellaneous stuff, then please read the following:

Note: I'm just an anime fan, and I am not a professional distributor. If you want high quality crisp clear copies of fansubs, then you're probably better off either finding someone else or actually buying the LD and sub the program yourself. However, if you just want to check out some new fansubs, or maybe fill in some gaps in your collection, then please feel free to request tapes from me. Just keep that in mind before you dish out your hard earned money to me.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Sorry, but I don't offer SASE requests. They're too much trouble, and others have advised me against them. There are many other fine people that offer SASE as an option, but I'm not one of them.

1) Choose the title(s) you want from my fansub list.
2) E-mail me * with the following information:
- The titles and episodes you want
- Your name and mailing address
- Your method of payment (see info below)
- Any special requests (a particular tape brand, a certain type of packaging, etc.)
3) I will reply (usually within 24-48 hours) to confirm your order. At that point, I will give you payment instructions.
4) Please check the status page to see if your name appears.

*New Rule: I'm happy to answer your questions about my tapes, but please don't make a request until you are ready to send your money/tapes. I've been hit by a rash of people recently saying they want x number of tapes, but after a month, they still haven't sent. If you don't have the money right now, or you're not able to hook up two vcrs, then please don't submit a request yet!! I estimate my turnaround time from the number of requests I receive, so I'd appreciate your understanding.

I am willing to make copies in SP (2 hour) for the following prices (US funds):

1 tape $7.00
2 tapes $12.00
3 tapes $17.00
4 tapes $21.00
5 tapes $24.00
6 tapes $27.00
7 or more tapes e-mail me

If for some reason you would like your tapes in EP (6 hour) mode, prices are the following:

1 tape $12.00
2 tapes $18.00
3 tapes $24.00
4 tapes $32.00
5 tapes $40.00
6 or more tapes e-mail me

Cost includes tape(s), postage, bubble envelope, and miscellaneous extras (if applicable).

Payment options:
I accept Cash (at your own risk), Personal Checks, Money Orders, or Credit Cards through PayPal. I also accept payments through c2it.

I will accept requests from Canada, but I can only accept cash (in US funds), international POSTAL money orders (the pink ones), PayPal, or c2it.

I accept PayPal, the #1 online payment service!

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LINK TO C2IT and AOL Quick Cash
Click here for details.

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