Good Traders
I'm still working on this section, so if you don't see your page here and you want it listed, send me an e-mail and I'll do my best to get it on here a.s.a.p. ^_^
Chan's Fansubs - A super-duper great person with lots of cool stuff, and
she's a pretty hot babe, too! ^_-
Kelly's World of Anime
- Lots of good stuff here, and a very FRIENDLY person.
The Eternal
Castle - I got a few cosplay videos from her, and she even particpates
in some of them. Heck, check out her page just to see her awesome Kero and Suppi
Laurel's Tape
Trading Jamboree - I've traded several times with her, and she's great.
Very friendly e-mail, and she answers my dumb questions about her stuff. One of
my best anime trading friends on the 'net.
House Of
Anime - nice trader, kept in touch with me via e-mail (which I like),
and was very accomodating.
Not-So-Good Traders
Please note: This is based on MY
experiences with these people. YOUR experience may vary. These aren't "bad"
traders, but I certainly can't recommend them.
Kashue's Kingdom - Nice web
page, so I wouldn't figure I'd have problems with this guy. I sent him three
tapes and money for two more tapes and patiently waited for the tapes we agreed
to in e-mail. I waited. And waited. And waited. He stopped replying to my e-mail
(yet he was still bidding on eBay), so I sent him a snail mail letter informing
him I would be seeking legal advice. About three weeks later, I received a
package from him in the mail... he returned the three tapes I sent him along
with the money. No apology, but a curt little note saying that he wasn't sorry
because school kept him from completing his trade with me and given the
opportunity, he would do it again. Guys, I go to school too, and NO amount of
classes prevents me from e-mailing someone. Of course, I'm not studying to be a
doctor; maybe this guy is...
Paul's Anime Trade Page
- I know a lot of people have traded with this guy, but my two experiences
weren't so favorable. The first time I traded was for three tapes, and I sent
mine first. I waited a few weeks for my tapes, but I stopped getting replies to
my mail. He later claimed he had trouble with his e-mail. The second time was
just recently (Jan-Feb 2001). I sent ten tapes to him, and he got them with no
problems. He gave me a date when mine would be sent, but I never got them. I
e-mailed him, and he gave me another date they would be sent. I still never got
them. Then he stopped answering my e-mail. A month later, I sent him a snail
mail letter, informing him that I would be seeking legal advice for this matter.
All of the sudden, I got an e-mail from him! (Gosh, imagine that!) He claimed
this time that he was busy at Katsucon and he sent my tapes to the wrong
address. I eventually got my tapes, but one of them was unwatchable (literally)
and another was in raw japanese with no subs. UPDATE
He finally e-mailed me again, apologizing for the tape and offering to replace
it. I told him I'd like to take him up on his offer, and to e-mail me when he's
not so busy. I haven't heard from him since. So if you want to trade with him,
keep in mind: he's a busy guy.
Anime NorthWest - My
trouble wasn't with the club, but its coordinator, Daniel Harrison. He can be
reached at either or While the
club page doesn't mention anything about distribution, they do have a distro
service, and their list, along with all the rules, can be downloaded here. I sent a
request for three tapes, and my check was promptly cashed. I waited a month, and
inquired about the status of my tapes via e-mail, since they don't have a status
page. I was told the tapes would be mailed on 8/6/2001. Two weeks later, I still
don't have them. I wrote back asking again about the status of my request, but
no response. A second letter a few days later and it's the same thing. Finally
after another week, I asked one last time for a status update and informed Mr.
Harrison that if he didn't reply, I would seek legal advice on the matter. That
got his attention, and he promptly sent a very CURT and RUDE letter explaining
that there was a mix-up with the tapes but I was in the wrong to even question
him. As punishment, I am now "blacklisted" from his distro service. He also said
that any attempt to prosecute him would be worthless, and that his ISP makes him
above the law. (Honestly... I have all of his e-mail.) I don't know what
happened with him telling me the tapes would be mailed 8/6, but he also
mentioned the turnaround time for most ditributors is somewhere around 2-3
months (don't tell him about MY turnaround time then!). Anyway, I don't know
anything about Anime NorthWest, but its coordinator is pretty rude in his
e-mail, and an all-around liar. Anyone considering joining this club has to
wonder about this guy leading them. Just another situation of some old anime
otaku thinking he's better than everyone else.
All of these people basically had the same problem: poor
communication. People, I understand that delays happen... that's life. But
it doesn't take much to e-mail me and let me know. At the very least, send me a
snail mail letter and tell me about the delay. Anyone that's traded with me
knows that if I have a problem, I have the common decency to e-mail you and let
you know.
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