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Recipe to Exotic Health Juices
Editors: Cheery, Shermaine & Nicole (P3 Respectful)
You favourite fruit, eg. try a carrot (clean-shaven) and two oranges (peeled), a cup, electric blender
1. Put the fruits into the blender one at a time. (Be careful of your fingers!)
2. Repeat step one until you have used up the fruits.
3. Next, carefully pour the blended juice into the cup.
4. Add some ice cubes.
5. Voila! You have made yourself a delicious cool & healthy drink for you and your family.
You may like to try some other combinations of fruits the next time.
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Funny Poem
My aunt is a tailor.
She always shows me her beautiful buttons.
She always shows me her colourful buttons.
But, she never shows me her BELLY button!!!
Contributed by: Shermaine
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