The goal of this site is to provide all the necessary tools for students to conduct research and to present their findings. Site provides a Quick Click to Search Engines, annotated Research, Writing, and Style Guides (MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, CGOS, CBE, Harvard), and Worlds of Knowledge housing some of the best education Web sites in a Virtual Library arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system. The DDC, created in 1873 by Melville Dewey, aka Melvil Dewey and Melville Louis Kossuth Dewey was first published in 1876. Web sites in this virtual library are organized somewhat loosely by subject according to recent editions of the DDC.
Please note: With the 2009 publication of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th Edition, the traditional method of writing first Footnotes and Endnotes to cite sources have become obsolete, however, with Parenthetical Documentation you can still use Notes to add content and bibliographic notes when needed. See MLA Handbook 7th ed. (ch. 6.5) for information on Using Notes with Parenthetical Documentation or Content and Bibliographic Notes. Documenting sources in the text of your essay is much simpler by using only Parenthetical Documentation for citations followed by a Works Cited page at the end of the essay. Web pages based on the new MLA style 7th ed. (2009) are now available. Web pages based on MLA style, 6th ed. (2003) will remain accessible on this site for the time being.
To everyone writing a report, a research essay, a term paper, or creating a Web page on the WWW: All ideas borrowed or sources used that are not your own must be documented and properly acknowledged. Plagiarism in any form is not permissible. Please use your good judgment to choose a variety of reliable sources. Information presented on this site is a guideline only, students are advised to use the type of documentation preferred by your teacher or instructor.
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