System Time 1 System day = 3 earth days less 1 hour, 4 minutes, 15 seconds. 1 Sysetm year = 100 system days 1 System year = 295 earth days plus 12 hours, 54 minutes, 59 seconds Local Universe Time 1 Local universe day = 18 earth days plus 6 hours 2 1/2 minutes 1 Standard local universe year = 100 standard local universe days 1 Standard local universe year = 5 earth years Super Universe Time 1 Standard super universe day = 30 earth days 1 Standard super universe year = 100 super universe days 1 Standard super universe year = 3,000 earth days less 22 minutes 1 Standard super universe year = 8 1/2 earth years 1 Standard year = 8 earth years plus 78 days 1 hour Central Universe Time 1 Paradise day = 1,000 earth years less 7 minutes 3 1/8 seconds |
The worlds teem with angels and men and other highly personal beings, but they are handicapped by time and space: The limit of velocity for most nonenseraphimed beings is 186,280 miles of your world per second of your time; the midway creatures and certain others can, often do, attain double velocity--372,560 miles per second--while the seraphim and others can traverse space at triple velocity, about 558,840 miles per second.
There are, however, no transit or messenger personalities who function between the instantaneous velocities of the gravity traversers and the comparatively slow speeds of the seraphim, except the Solitary Messengers. Solitary Messengers are, therefore, generally used for dispatch and service in those situations where personality is essential to the achievement of the assignment, and where it is desired to avoid the loss of time which would be occasioned by the sending of any other readily available type of personal messenger. They are the only definitely personalized beings who can synchronize with the combined universal currents of the grand universe. Their velocity in traversing space is variable, depending on a great variety of interfering influences, but the record shows that on the journey to fulfill this mission my associate messenger proceeded at the rate of 841,621,642,000 of your miles per second of your time. It is wholly beyond my ability to explain to the material type of mind how a spirit can be a real person and at the same time traverse space at such tremendous velocities. But these very Solitary Messengers actually come to, and go from, Urantia at these incomprehensible speeds; indeed, the whole economy of universal administration would be largely deprived of its personal element were this not a fact. The Solitary Messengers are able to function as emergency lines of communication throughout remote space regions, realms not embraced within the established circuits of the grand universe. It develops that one messenger, when so functioning, can transmit a message or send an impulse through space to a fellow messenger about one hundred light-years away as Urantia astronomers estimate stellar distances. |
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