Informal Organization 1. What is class? Our society is divided mainly into two camps. The ruling class and the exploited. The ruling class is made up of all those in power control the rest of us (the exploited) Those who are part of the ruling class include the government, corporations, landlords, generals, wealthy, those in power as a result from the specialization and alienation of the technological system etc. Members of the exploited are everyone else (those who need to work for a living, the poor, and are generally controlled by the ruling class, the homeless, the indiginous) 2. The ruling class and its use of electronic harassment, street theater etc. Because the two camps are divided (however much the ruling class tries to hide such facts through propaganda education, entertainment etc.) and are always in conflict (between those with power and control <ruling class> and those who desire to live free <the exploited> those in power will always attempt to control those they see as a threat to their power. Therefore it would seem 'logical' the ruling class would resort to "non-lethal" ('extreme control' weapons), "street theater" surviellence etc. so as to lesson their chances of loosing their power to those they continually harass and exploit. 3. Informal oraganization and affinity groups as methods of attack against those who produce "non-lethal" weapons (military bases and labs, corporations) and convey "Street Theater" surviellence (federal law enforcement agencies which use "non-lethal" weapons as well) We believe the best way to take action against the use of such horrific ruling class weapons and those who deplore and/or create such weapons (military bases and labs, federal government agencies, and coroporations) is through methods of informal organization and affinity groups. Therefore individuals who take such actions are taking actions for ones self rather than for a certain ideology. Informal organization and affinity groups also avoid such problems of a central beuracracy, leaders, membership organizations etc. which the FBI and others are all too well trained to infiltrate and destroy. Such a form of action also enable those who choose to participate a much wider range of actions to implement- as well as avoiding such problems as guilt by association because other affinity groups etc. all operate independent from eachother, no two groups are the same, they all have different methods etc. while retaining a common goal. (in our case an end to exploitation and the use of electronic weapons harassment etc) therefore granting those who participate the most autonomy. For more information of informal organization and affinity groups here is a link to a good article on the subject: Anarchist Ethic in the Age of Globalization |