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I have been a a part of this great program for about 2 months, and I have averaged 25 referrals every week and a half, to two weeks.  Referrals are dispursed 25 at a time.  I've sent all 100 referrals i've earned so far to my favorite "Get Paid To Read Email" site "Hits4Pay"  and have generated $85.96 for the month.  I hope to double that by next month, and with this, I Can.....


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Herb Mart
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High quality herbal smoking accessories, grinders, legal bud, lebal herb, digital scales, black light posters, male enahncement, and much more!
High quality herbal smoking accessories, grinders, legal bud, lebal herb, digital scales, black light posters, male enahncement, and much more!