Entry no:19
State Of Mind As of as of Apr 10/04 “The Great Tribulation”
State of Mind 10/04 Apr

Discussing the “The Great Tribulation”

I was recently given an idea by a friend I am getting to know. We were discussing "The Great Tribulation" of Christians as has been Biblically prophesised.  I would say discussion and not argument, because we are both exploring the possibilities and validity of what can or will lead to the global persecution of believers in the teachings of Christ in every corner of the world where we may be found. 

Well, the idea I got from this friend was to mentally note or literally make a list of the sort of practices or ways in which we may prepare ourselves for the unexpected, which is the Tribulation.  Kind of like saying "is there anything that we as believers could do that would make a difference now to the possibilities of what is said to be the most dreadful fate of the world since its creation?"  Is there a way to tribulation-train?

I strongly feel that the false sense of security that mass citizens of the UK have grown so use to, to me is the first thing that I feel needs to be abolished if one is to prepare themselves for tribulation.  What I mean by this is that all that bank, insurance credit, loans, social-security and the rest need to be seen in their true light that they are not the cure to the present situation of the world, but are actually slowing us down from our true situation, which is the role we play in the sufferings of others. On the other hand pesky grievances between persons need also to be sorted out for personal progress in the midst of horror.
What I don't want to happen from "the crash" is to somehow find out that in the midst of total chaos I still have some pride that blocks me from reaching out to other people and instead stepping on their toes to get some provisions or shelter like hungry beasts. 

Mentally, I state two, in fact three things I think should be well kept in mind for us over here, where it how seems safe for NOW.

I may find myself in the test, in the tribulation from God but what I don't want to happen is to find out that in my own eyes "I can go low… but not that low" due to pride and unpreparandess, and then let someone else take the weight of what seems to me as a disgrace. This calamity is sort of what is happening in N.Korea "the-camp22" under the "Juche" state of N.Korea's gulag or concentration labour-camp whereby some prisoners of political crimes are shifting the greater blame and the worse jobs to those who they see fit as mad, and weak who are the "Christians" in there.

What I also do not want to discover is that in the midst of lawlessness and complete violence I might also feel the sudden urge to be as violent as the violence done in my face. Because "when disasters strikes" there will be no law (see Jeremiah’s lamentations) against what could be done to imprisoned, or enemies of the State which most Christians always seem to be. In fact rulers of State would probably praise most those who would delight in torturing and searing the prisoners of faith in as many unimaginable ways possible. For example in the N.Korea camp 22 gulag it is said that if the guard may “re-habilitate”- meaning force a Christian to refute his faith by illegal means - he could get a promotion.

Violence may indeed capture those who seem innocent to it, and at present who seem as pacifist, but we don’t know what limit de-humanising situations may lead us. We, may find ourselves thinking we have no choice especially in cases to do with friends, loved ones and people who can’t fight for themselves.

I suppose the longer we put off or don’t choose a side to stand by the more probability and possibility it would make for us who deny now to deny then or whenever our wrongs in the heat of disaster when it strikes.

Also it may happen that many believers will be looking heavenward waiting, petitioning for a miracle from our saviour, but what I fear is that at those dire moments it may seem that our saviour will be silent. Would he be testing us then? What will we Christians then say, "why have you forsaken us all?"  Would we finally give in to the beast?  Would we all of a sudden recant our faith, or all of a sudden discover that we have not what it takes to make our way through? Sort of like in being a political prisoner in CUBA at the moment, or a prisoner-of-war in by the N. Vietnamese Vietcong during late 60's early 70's.

I hope that we will find some light to know that all is not lost.  But I must say there is not  much publicity on those who are being tested  for reasons of faith around the world now while we wait here and some of us imagining how it will be like to be tested when our time comes myself included. 

Yet its good for me to constantly have this little reflection of how it may be for us over here, where the consumption of natural resources have cramped us to sit our backs, and relax, when the searing proof of hostility to the truth reigns the world over.

Discussing the “The Great Tribulation” Apr 10/04....

ID: Resolution 1948

N.Korea Pyongyang:
The golden Statue of the Late or "Great Leader" Kim Sung il,
Where they the citizens bow, where they come show devotion to "jusche" philosopher
Kim Sung il.

Some examples of tribulation of today:
Books on North Korea: "Colder Than Hell"
Testimonies: Survivor Story of Soon Ok Lee
Reports: No Beliefs For Vietnam
Mark of the Beast?
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