Entry no:13
Crest of Core Order, A comment On the Universal Logo
Crest of the UN
Here is the Officiall Symbol of the United Nations...All aligned structered and centered. Weaved around by feathers taken from its offical 50th anniversary website.

Crest of Core Order

How even from the center of the core are the continents aligned?

Encircled allocations of thousands of hectares,
ten thousands of acres spanned over KMs.  
Surrounded by sea-space, glaciers shift and crash,
equator be steady, Divine force defies activity.
(Gen 1: 2,6. Job 38:11)

To the poles,
tectonic plates came together, formed land created nations!
X-rayed earths foundations the idea of one world United,
another world is shaping, one from this one is coming,

By his hands mans hands, unbalanced plans shall give birth.
To a new world born, that will tear this one’s girth,
for the center of its balance shall be left unearthed.

uneven from the center of the core
will the continents then be aligned?

Crest of Core Order-
Prisoner of Conscicence

Global engineering – When I see this above symbol of the UN, I can’t help but imagine a range of well suited individuals sitting around a table discussing what they rather would not, how could we make this world a better place? This question would easily terrify national leaders if they are after all, the very ones who can make a better world possible. 

I would like to believe these talks personally mattered to just about everyone and could immediately revolutionise any given situation such as the so-called “Third World” development stagnation or growing "environmental hazards", and that the whole world fill of people who are able to do so could some how focus their hope on something different and give it a chance for the better. That’s just a thought as the situation in reality is much, much different, for instance how much power does a domestic opinion hold in these international talks? Here at home how can I be certain that what I and others of the same reason feel to be the answer to these situations will be heard in the council just the same other individuals of other opinions are not certain that their voice at home matters in these annual table-talks. 

Not to fool one’s intelligence the decision making process within the UN is not a culturally popular one, neither is it house-hold knowledge, and not to my surprise most people do know the decision making processes of five national TV game shows by heart than they do about how their own community council operates yet alone how a federal law is passed or could be protested or even prevented.  In fact I may HEAR others asking, “what do the UN do again” if I mentioned a global crisis such as that of water shortage in China or Mexico even recently in the UK where water is increasing in private-company-ownership because of this shortage. 
It is not ignorance on the part of the inquirer not to know what the council does, but more disinterest and yet no International economic or political development slips
beneath the UN council’s notice.  What I will find is that when abuse of power by some unsatisfied individuals causes international attention maybe, just maybe a new law may finally be passed.  Ironically though the new law will not be a direct proposition to the issue the individuals are against, but rather a law directed at the means of which the individuals are using to act themselves, and this is becoming more apparent as we have entered this new phase of economic-and-national security interests in International policies such as that “Free-trade.”
But as they say “nothing in this life is free.” This is why concerned individuals are taking immorally legal policies such as “free-trade” personally, and are being tried for it.*(1) 

The disheartening fact for me is that before I may even do something different for that same cause I would have already been –lawfully covered- or sanctioned pre-emptively to every last step or move I may make in the world’s law book of my
Human Rights and my civil-legalities and so this leads to continual disempowerment of our mobility and citizens of the world feel more, and more apathetic to the world’s major problems, then there is that popular “but” of our day that says “but what can I do about it?”  If the UN monitors as they say, and they have the power to make worldly decisions that all individuals everywhere must adopt then why does the individual on the larger scale of the everyday public feel more powerless to think or even act against a recognised global matter without others telling him to “just accept it and that this is the way the world is?” 

I don’t accept
that, and this is not the way the world is, but I would readily believe that this is only the way powerful and satisfied table-talkers like to keep it for now.

The UN's Crest Of Core Order speaks like this:
determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom*(2)..
Yes, these words may be said by them; the UN council, it may even be written and laid out, but whatever this symbol represents to which ever government of any country that heeds, it seems to be the case that when injustice reigns within and outside that country the icon or symbol to which the UN prides itself gets represented at its hottest and best by Non-Government-Organisations mostly in the form of Direct Action and Community Awareness Projects and not by lengthy Articles that overstress the codes and conducts of that “larger freedom.”

In truth, if the symbol were to represent anything of brotherhood on a worldly scale, which it claims well, it would keep its emphasis on the importance of the common man over the legalities of constitutions that
degrade his abilities to be what he is, a man and how he affects his environment by every decision he makes.  They made us know what freedom is, didn’t they? But the means to that end, to that freedom, how to get it, through by and around them was a different matter and issue for the International legislative Crest of Core Order of a council to state for individual, and communal specific practice.

Yes, what he is entitled to by God was is highlighted and reminded in various Articles yet not how “he” may
give it to “himself” or could choose it for “himself" and not the other way around for that is exactly what this global initiative constitutes of. On the other hand, concerning that “social-progress;” we don’t really believe one stands equal before the law as an illiterate with less or no funds to a post-graduate with six-digit-sums rolling in now do we?  Why, it is even this attitude within class and culture that represents what global and national legislations throw back at us “to act with possible rewards from the rich for riches, but not too much effort over the poor for losses.”
Power belongs to the people of the earth and those who will speak and act for those who cannot and are not allowed to speak and act for themselves, and either of them may be the everyday man as the common man understands his needs and lives for it truly, rather than speculating these issues over expensive meals sipping on £80 bottles of red wine and honestly saying to the concerned “I feel your pain, and I understand you” sip-sip, sip-sip, then retreating back to that privileged canopy that assures and maintains that “order” however harsh it may be  as always kept in place and left unruffled by common needs.

IT IS A FACT, THAT: Only five nations within the UN council are allowed, and have the power to -withdraw- from, or to -VETO- any important worldly-decision they view as threatening and non-interesting to their position. And from here the question then becomes; if the U.N. represents for the world what it stands for United Nations that is, then where is the unity of ALL the nations large and small? So who really runs the core order of the UN?

Who really holds the power in this international governing order?

And in whose
interest are the decisions then made?

The British 2001 Terrorism Act passed the following:
The Act waives the requirement for arrest warrants. Persons arrested under its provisions can be denied access to a lawyer for up to 48 hours. Under the Act there is no presumption of innocence—the burden of proof shifts from the prosecutor to the accused.

Though it may seem like an act directed against Foreign influenced Terrorisms, it will be naïve to say that this will not apply to terrorist to corporations and or capitalism at large. But these are not terrorist in fact they are home-grown concerned citizens exercising their civil-right to protest.

Preamble: Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Prisoner ID:Resolution1948
Peculiar Christian Poets
UN-BURN This Earth!
Individual's determination ominously creeps...
This is a photo of a Haitian civil-student.
In the middle of the hostile government’s rule
there is not much but complete
looting by the people
themselves, as this kid


Crest of Core Order"
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