Entry No:11 | ||||||||||||||||||
All back to square one: Now how can the means for social progress be justified through its foremost promoters? I hear a lot of them say it, speak it, and promote, promote; progress, betterment and a life change. I want to believe, and I want to act. Only this first comes to mind; what justifies these promotions these means for progress in light of its background and history? | ||||||||||||||||||
Progress, revolution, whatever... by resolution 1948 |
What is a revolution? Where does one usually apply the term itself? In a political arena? There is where it seems that the term revolution is used and discussed frequently. Yet people could use it to describe anything that literally or symbolically turns completely on itself in any matter. For instance, any inner-city youth often witnesses cultural revolutions of attitudes or opinions to the latest fads in his day, from the out-dated fashion sense to the word-of-mouth on the new-genre or scene. Time immemorial there exists a belief that no matter how “hum-drum” or “everyday” things to do with culture and society may seem we are as a world and people progressing to something better, that we are heading on the verge of “the achieved goal” and what we wish is being accomplished within our lifetime. And who makes such claims? Who is responsible for the governing of making us dream these dreams? Take any: new governments, religious units, faith units, corporate advertisers…Why, even the new day itself as dawn promises us that it could be more fulfilling than the last one, surely the optimist cannot help himself from falling for such a hopeful belief, I know I have. For a while maybe, for a generation perhaps, but for how much time in the long-term of the ages we know as history will we keep reaching for those “small steps for man?” What happens in the long-term if we keep cycling on each other to come or to stay in that “same place” or position of believing in that “greater” achievable good whatever “that” or “it” may be? If this great good was achievable, if there was a level that we may reach, and that it would settle everything for our simplistic and living best, then as a species or existing life-forms, would we not have reached such a territorial or spiritual plain already? Looking to the chain of advertising for example, the corporate chain of marketing; it is acknowledged as a known standard that they should seduce us with their end of products in order to their sell us their goods over, and over again as a part of our social-consumer life. Is it for their personal gain we get tricked? Well, they do aim at us personally, but we have come to accept this pull-to-the-product as the magic-trick that is essential to their corporate survival. Making them feel guiltless about how they gain capital from the illusions they create, because in-part we would like to believe in them. Most consumer market-chains have now come to thrive more on our wants than needs, which by the increase in shelf, and land-selling-space, and also culture-and-mentality intrusion is becoming more, and more unjustifiable by what they gain from these means to promote the dreams they sell through their campaigns. On the other hand for aspiring political parties to come into power-and-rule, they often employ such tactics as striking chords with the voting citizens against the lacks of the current party and then promising that it is those "exact lacks" that they themselves as the leading party would be suitable to counter and fill-in. They even guarantee it with a cherry on top. So again comes the hopes, and after the dreams created and sold in the name of the common cause of the people, but this time done during the period of voting. By doing so the would-be government-party acts and reflects that same manner of ad-campaigns by using those dream-sells on the vulnerable and willing. What the two examples of campaigning-advertisers and would-be parties have shown is that the dreams they trigger are for the mere gains of profit-for the market force, and power for the political units. If this is what the people want, that is if voting and consumer-culture masses only wait to spend their financial-earnings and political-voices on the next ad-feed and government-promise that they have succumbed to pursue even though they know how false the end of the roller-coaster ride will be, then there is nothing terribly wrong with the picture created or the means initiated for those ends. If the unfulfilling ride is as much of their dreams coming to life as the masses desire. But if, after all the marketing, and campaigning done by, and within the market force people have been left hypnotized and tired of false slogans stating “for the better-life?” … “then get this”, and if in the aftermath of democratic-electing practice as we know it, the citizens of these nations have seen through and lost faith in anything the leader or his party may promise then the means created in the process of attaining power, and profit are not as of now justified, and if things continue the way they are I don’t see them being so in the nearest future. At least it may be said that even though people are losing faith in what parties may say and how products may promise has long as they exist then obviously the willing masses must be the ones keeping these bodies alive or have to. As there is always someone out-there buying into the products-sell, and party-sell that are of or in the dream. But those who are no more attracted by these hopes have adopted for alternative ends, and their number can only grow therein for there is no where else to go but up. If there is now and have always been a body-of-order that does not sell -itself and its foundations - out for what the people want, and if there is a driving force that in its day honestly revolutionized the social situations of its day with its very existence and presence for the dreams and with the means created then, then it is this very body that I want to know “what more is there to dream for, and why should there still be talk of betterment.” We don’t have to look very far in the past to know when that time came, who was responsible for it and what was promised thereafter. The time of course, belonged to Jesus the Christ, and the promise of everlasting life to his disciples and to those who followed him from then on. In other words the Early Christian Era, or the period of Jesus and his Apostles . This leaves me to consider one more body and driving force of progress; the religious-faith unit. Christianity, in this case. What more is there for them to promise or trigger? Well, with myself included as a Christian believer I see my faith as a never-ending struggle taking place everyday furthering my understanding in personal thought and practice. FROM what I have experienced from the living word and faith of Christianity in its history concerning me, and all to now, the dreams I believe are created for a eternal reality, one yet for me to attain as long as I live in this body. Because if in my lifetime on earth there cannot be an eternal world lived, then what relates to my faith in eternity will have to take place after my life-time. Simply meaning until my time ends within time, I must work towards the eternal purpose of paradise to be soon lived, that is of course if I believe. A paradise which has never been in earthly time, making it a collective destiny for all believers that has never taken place yet. And when we do reach that promised plane of the everlasting then there is where we have no further reason for progress. This basis for progress I then feel is justifiable in itself for what I may speak in myself, and live within my environment concerning the causes for my faith on the social-plains of life. In this light our aim is true seeing has how its completion has not been attained for us yet, but is still in progress. A progession ever working towards the "stated ends" depending of course, on how we consider the Holy Scriptures. . As the larger-public will not settle for such a faith, let me stick to the investigation in question of what justifies political-power and profit-gaining promotional means. And if I do return, it all comes back to the question “what more can they say and what more do they have to tell, after we have heard all what they have said?” In other words what more do these non-spiritual bodies have to promise after we have seen what both these chains, and similar institutions and clubs have brought about within the freedoms given on this earthly-worldly ground in their peak and their time spent afterwards? Progress, revolution…whatever… Progress, revolution, whatever... by Prisoner Of Conscience Speech One: Human Responsibility. The speech here “The Human Responsibility” is a question to the collective claim; that “resistance is growing,” in the fight against globalisation, and free-trade legacies. Which is a fight in itself. On seeing the headline in the old Indymedia D.I.Y. network set-up, some would wonder; resistance? Resistance to what exactly? “What resistance?” And how are “The-Independent Kollectives” defining and stating their “growth,” for that matter? “Responsibility” was specially set-up and posted during the renovation of the new Indymedia UK expansion, and what “Responsibility” asks in response to the “resistance” headline and the digital makeover of the collective forum is; what really is progress in light of the opposition? Opposition being in this case; the free-market economic polices which is not so popular with the Lefties. BUT in a broader sense for all resistance movements in the spirit of “reclaiming the streets” and for the “people instead of business,” kind of movements raises that question of what do you define as “progress” in that social space of political-activism? This is what “The Human Responsibilities” is really touching, is touching right now. NOW, that we have passed through the sixties, when the whole world was in the aftermath of the-two major world wars, whereby public-space was expanded for equal-civil needs the world over, and the laws to follow them were put in place to remain. Independence enlarged…more capital rose. NOW, that we have seen what freedom-of-expression has done to the greater public by commercial and entertainment exploitative means to help administer the ever greater apathy, and less accountability in most spheres of popular-culture as it continues to wobble. NOW, that Journalism, Western Journalism covering worldly and civil affairs admits even its biasness without remorse or reform. NOW, that it seems that every liberal entity we once deemed as important to achieve such as freedom of universal religions, equal opportunity work forces, racial acceptance and pluralism, more, and more market choice, political correctness and less arbitrary restraints on society has enslaved us tired, NOW that we have seen the effects of the democracy of the well-fed masses (late 60’s to present), the totality and poverty of the socialist-dictate fall (89-91), and the immoral give way to personal and national irresponsibility of thought and action, THEN what are we NOW all of a sudden uniting to fight for? If, if in the OLDEN days it was these exact changes for FREEDOM, which we WERE united in fighting for? Are we then only free to justify our global-irresponsibility? The Human Responsibility is a question of where are we going if we strip down or carefully study the means to which fighting the opposition was used to bring us here. Then in that case are we going backwards or are moving forwards or are we going nowhere at all? And as a wise man said wherever man builds a mouse-trap, nature creates a better mouse. “The Human RESPONSIBILITY” "Second Speech" Here is "Blessed are the peace makers" @Peculiar Christian Poets: "Blessed are the peace-makers" by Shriver, lofty historical insights on America and the hearts and minds of men, I liked it. |
Is resistance really growing? Prisoner of Conscience: ID1948 |
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