Every problem from every generation of any age has its source. Why 1948? It was for one thing three years after my Dads birth date, making it twelve years before Nigeria gained its independence. My father was to later serve in the diplomatic service for the independent Nigerian government. His service in the Nigeria High Commission from the golden years, worked as an educational opportunity to learn about this growing multi-cultural and multi-lingual world and how it affects the individual which I was in that case. Obviously the Nigerian High Commission policies have changed since then. FACTS: IT was a year after the infamous political cover-up of the land-sea-air-experiments, which led to the disposal of never before seen equipment on the poor little plains of New Mexico. The case was closed fifty years later as not more than an expensive and expansive political hoax viewed by the world community as typical from the land-of-legendary Hollywood. I was offered speculative or spec. fiction as a college course to form as part of my minors (college-term) we had to dissect everything from Metropolis futuristic myths of machines imperial power to Enemy Mine alien takeover. It would not be too soon to say that extraterrestrial-study and analysis will further find itself as a subject with which students may seriously take up. IT was the year after the IMF founding’s were published worldly, brought into the UN and fully accepted. Forming for the first time a world-centrally-planned-monetary system that has led to everything from Third World Debt (80's) crisis to the increase in seizure of native land in the less developed countries around the world, so that the wealthy but small elite can hold on hard to the natural resources of the land that they have invested their foreign business in for large sums of income to support their own corporation, and not that of the natives welfare. IT was also during this year that George Orwell the English novelist was adding the finishing touches to his anti-authoritarian and controversial banned book titled “1984.” The book painted a gritty picture of how it would be like in the possible future where the “common people” can no longer think for themselves and are all enslaved into a political hypnosis of some sort. “Worship the Party or die.” Was the policy he depicted. The novel is still used to predict and measure how current governments will govern our world. IT was the year that the Great British Empire, as it was told to us was gradually starting to crumble after the preceding war. (WWII). The nations subjected to the United Kingdom were starting to backdrop and leave the reigning monarch in isolation. Starting with the drastic division of India in the previous year to gain its independence to the gradual then definite breaking of the African States (1960- onwards) that left UK as a former but never again to be Superpower. IT was in June 1948 that the SS, EMPIRE WINDRUSH, docked in Tilbury England, carrying inside it the hopes, and dreams of hundreds of young men and women from the Caribbean. The ship’s arrival signalled a moment of historic transformation. The beginning of mass migration which was to soon have some far reaching effects on Britain over the next half century. After the World War II won, Britain like France was indebted to its chief ally over the Atlantic, US. Something new was needed to widen the cultural trend to help revamp the post-war economic Britain, and so came the idea of opening its doors to aspiring migrants. Only cultural change was not what the English dealt with best, thus brought the 80’s Brixton riots along with many other inner-city conflicts for Racial, and Cultural equality in the society that the migrants deserved and protested to gain. IT was this year on the Friday of May 14,th 4 o’clock in the afternoon shortly before the onset of the Sabbath, that David Ben Gurion rose and read aloud a short declaration announcing the establishment of the independent State of Israel. The settlement of Jews further involved US occupation in pacifying the World, and to politically initiate it’s opinion to replace any opposing ones. While at the same time created the New World scene for the ever on-going Holy Land Wars that has stood for generations. This headlining viral cancer of the Middle East, due to culture, and heritage has brought about terrible events that have increased religious tension as it stands today. The World still awaits peace. IT was the year that many nations of the world for the first time came alongside each other to join themselves to create an international law a universal convention was signed that declared that: every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international... .....The (UN) United Nations Declaration Of Human Rights From Argentina to Burma, and from Greece to Liberia the nations were, some just from gaining independence and others recovering from the disasters of war, all came along to the UN council to ratify everything from education to economics and from foreign policies to genocide representing a new age to never again see the disasters that happened leading to the treaties from WWII. Bearing in mind that for a resolution or a global mindset on global resolutions such as this to be measured in-effect, the generations in the aftermath will have to be the generation studied rather than the ones during the decisions made as we have seen from the Vatican Council and also seeing from the IMF, and World Bank legacies. This mandate, this declaration no doubt affected anything and everything from how a State should deal with its citizens lawfully, in the public world eye to how the citizens themselves may deal with each other under the cloak of the status-quo of the Resolution in mind. The affected no, the infected includes: institutions such as schools regarding discipline, prisons regarding treatment, immigration or marriage policies to even how the Church-of- Rome saw itself in a world that was becoming the New Age of immoral rage or the Post-Modern-DAY Rat-RACE as it is now lived. Keeping in pace with the changes after the war, the new United Nations policy on human-rights on the world scene, set the standard that no discrimination of any sort even hinted was to be allowed. This rule was made not stand for one State over the other, but it was made to stand for ALL. That it was to be practiced universally, by the "citizens of the world," and by the “power holders” that govern them, this of course was its main task. However its effects were another story. Punishments were also set in place for those who did not follow, to let all know that it had become the New World’s Law for My rights, His rights, Her rights, the Human’s Rights. AS it was written: United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, Dec 10 1948. ARTCLE 19 Follows: ARTCLE 19 of the Universal Human Rights: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Is this the kind of desired freedom that should govern the world universally? This would be the question, only if this mandate were possible in both civil and social practice and thought. Even though it may be said that this policy only pleases those nations already use to a democracy, which is true, it would be pushing those that are not to barriers unknown. Yet if this policy or mandate or ideal or proposition cannot work well in truth for all then at best it should work for none. If it can’t work for London, HOW should it work in Lagos? If it can’t work for In Detroit, why should it work for Laos? This is what I feel seems to be the situation of injustice today a World-Wide written quotation on freedom, but an unpractised liberty in action. If this resolution is Universal then I should remember as a “citizen” of this world that everywhere I may go that I am: I AM to be officially treated. MAY officially learn. I AM officially protected. MAY officially earn. I AM officially secured, I MAY officially express, I AM officially reformed. Officially born, I AM officially amended. Officially recommended. I AM officially granted the… …ONE THING THAT I CAN NEVER BE, IS OFFICIALY CURED, OR OFFICAILY SAVED. I AM A CHRISTIAN AND MY CONVICTIONS is that THE true freedom in us cannot be given by the State rule solely but rather by HAVING the living spirit of BROTHERHOOD DO IT’S JUSTICE from the inside out in my life, and surroundings FIRST. Prisoner of Conscience-ID:Resolution1948 "Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly"... Spoken by MLK in a Birmingham Alabama prison cell. Nations, between 1945-48 as members of the UN: Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Belorussian S.S.R., Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China,(Taiwan), Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Myanmar (Burma), Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa (Union of South Africa), Sweden, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, Ukrainian S.S.R., United kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, U.S.S.R., Venezuela, Yemen, Yugoslavia; all up to 1948. The following Sovereign States were members Post 1948: Cameroon (1960), China (1971) (People’s Republic, replaced Taiwan), Congo (1960), Germany (1973), (German Democratic Republic), Hungary (1955), Israel (1949), Ireland (1955), Italy (1955), Jamaica (1962), Japan (1956), Kuwait (1963), Kenya (1963), Laos (1955), Libya (1955), Mali (1960), Nepal (1955), Nigeria (1960), Rwanda (1962), Spain (1955), Sudan (1956), Vietnam (1977) Zimbabwe (1980)… Look up: Chronicle of the 20th century. A Longman Chronicle. Copyright. 1988. Jacques Legrand. S.A. International Publishing Paris for World English Rights. C. Chronicle Communications Limited. London. Prev:Inner-City Christian Living Next: My Sense of Duty: A calling After: A Declaration for the Convicted Prisoner Of Conscience |
Breif: ID:Resolution1948,WHY The Title? |
1948 A by-product of a Post-Modern Age, this day I live this time He gave.... past the date the mandate was made, from those who gave that came to take, they stamped the paper that made the fate they signed their signatures for our Post-United-World in 1948.... -48 Words and Lines- |