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Drugs and the Whole Person is the classic textbook by Duncan and Gold, now being made available online has more than 125 home study Continuing Education programs for mental health professionals, particularly in the field of the addictions. You can select your program, study at your leisure, and quickly receive your certification of credits.
Centre for Duncanian Studies|
Christians for Cannabis presents a Christian perspective on marijuana and its responsible use.
“Courage and Confidence Can Lead” presents the perspective of a prominent criminologist on the way in which current drug policy is misguided in ignoring the reality of healthy, responsible drug use.
DanceSafe discusses extensively the use of many recreational drugs, especially those used at dance and rave parties.
DrugNet is an Australian site that provides information on drugs, models of drug abuse treatment, harm reduction, parent-child relationships and drug abuse, etc..
"Drug Abuse Hysteria - The Challenge of Keeping Perspective" is a paper by Ruth Engs and Stuart Fors.
Duncanian Theory of Addiction introduces the reader to the Duncanian approach to addictive behaviors -- a behavioral and social ecological approach. The breadth, originality, and   foundational nature of Duncan's contributions to addiction and other areas of public health have led to his being compared to physicist Stephen Hawkings.
Harm Reduction Coalition is a major group supporting the harm reduction approach in the U.S.
Kids, Drugs and Drug Education is a policy statement from the National Council on Crime and Delinquency endorsing harm reduction as the basis for drug education in the schools.
Lycaeum "works to promote public education about all aspects of psychoactive drugs and drug use, including, but not limited to, visionary and entheogenic aspects of drug use, harm reduction, and health and legal risks of drug use."
The Ministry of Truth provides drug information, drugs in the news, and a collection of accounts of drug experiences.
Responsible Drug User's Oath is another approach to this topic.
Safer Smoking is a self-instructional website dedicated to safer smoking practices.
Safety First presents a reality-based approach to teens, drugs and drug education.
The Self-Medication Hypothesis provides a further introduction to the Duncanian approach to the addictions.
Smokers guide to Amsterdam provides an insight into a community (and nation) where recreational use of marijuana has been de facto legalized.
The Vaults of Erowid provides a near-encyclopedic compendium of information on drugs.
Young People and Drugs - A report prepared for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
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