Originating from Manchester (UK), this trio formed in the early '90's with a sound that mixed the catchiness of Motown, Al Green and Blondie with the feminist stance and guitar pop of artists such as P.J. Harvey and the Breeders.

Founder and vocalist Tracy Golding had previously worked as a music journalist before performing in indie-pop outfit Swirl.  She joined up with Janet Wolthenstholme (bass) and David Galley (drums), and named her new band after the inspirational Indian woman Phoolan Devi, who had deserted her abusive husband only to be kidnapped and raped by bandits, for whom she would later become gang leader after the previous leader (who by this time was her lover) had died.

After a few singles, their audience steadily increased until the release of album 'Hormone Hotel' in 1995.  Subject matter on the album included a female perspective on love and friendship, cross-dressing prostitutes and a tribute to Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, who also featured on the album cover.  Frida had also led an inspirational life, being a communist revolutionary who remained fiercely loyal to her adulterous husband (who was also a renowned artist), and painted many moving pieces despite being nearly crippled by chronic back problems which plagued her throughout her lifetime.  The album was produced by Pat Collier and fellow music journo-turned musician John Robb (Membranes/Gold Blade), and displayed the maturity of Bandit Queen's songwriting (which borrowed from classic soul and reggae as well as more modern artists such as the Pixies), and a vocal style from Golding that was both soft and strong at the same time, similar to Chrissie Hynde.

They set off on a tour of several countries on the back of the album, but still remained a relative secret back in the UK.  A second album, "Precious" was recorded, with one track featuring Sugar from Audioweb, but as rumours of it being released began to circulate,  we can only assume that the band split up, as it never appeared. There has been little talk of this highly intelligent and exciting band since.

IF YOU LIKE THESE YOU'LL LIKE BANDIT QUEEN:  P.J.Harvey, The Pretenders, The Breeders, The Pixies.
BANDIT QUEEN Discography