A kind of punk 'supergroup' of sorts, consisting of Stiv Bators (vocals, ex-Dead Boys), Brian James (guitars, ex-Damned), Dave Tregunna (bass, ex-Sham 69), and Nicky Turner (drums, ex-Barracudas).

When Sham 69 split, most of the band continued as the Wanderers, with Stiv Bators joining on vocals.  James approached Bators after leaving the Damned,  with the idea of forming a new group, Tregunna came along too, and manager Miles Copeland suggested the band name themselves 'Lords of Discipline', which was slightly revised before embarking on their first live date in Paris, 1981.

The debut single, 'New Church', led to accusations of blasphemy, which mere mostly well founded, due to Bators wicked sense of humour and mischief, and his dislike of organised religion (having been raised as catholic in Cleveland, USA), as well as the cover depicting an artists impression of Bators nailed to a cross.  A self-titled album soon followed, and their catchy, trashy, garage rock was unleashed, exhibiting a darker sound than any of their previous bands, with Bators lyrics of apocalypse, corruption and religious imagery also suggesting an inclination towards gothic rock.

Second album 'Is Nothing Sacred' featured the often re-released (and re-recorded) single 'Dance With Me', which received airplay on MTV, due in part to the video, directed by Derek Jarman.  Unfortunately, allegations (completely unfounded) regarding paedophilia led to the video being withdrawn, and thus removed the chance of mainstream success that seemed imminent. The music had received a more polished production, which was at odds with their live sound, and some of their early edge seemed to have been lost.

The last studio album, 'Method To Our Madness' was less inspired, but still carried their trademark trashy rock 'n' roll sound and outsider worldview.

The band ended with a typical Bators farce in 1989, when the singer arrived onstage wearing a t-shirt advertising for new band members.  This stunt itself was a response to Bators learning that his band intended to sack him at the end of the tour.

Brian James released a solo album, whilst Tregunna joined two ex-Hanoi Rocks members and formed the Cherry Bombz, continuing a career in trashy glam rock with later outfit Kill City Dragons.

Bators played sporadic solo dates, and began recording new material in Paris, which remained unfinished when he was hit by a car and died from his injuries in June 1990.

A revived version of Lords of the New Church is currently doing the rounds with Tregunna and James, but the heart of the band must surely be missing with their truly unique frontman removed from the frame.

Dead Boys, Hanoi Rocks, The Damned, Johnny Thunders, New York Dolls, 60's garage, Iggy Pop, Killing Joke, Brian James, Kill City Dragons.
Visit the STIV BATORS main page
Visit the DEAD BOYS main page
The official, born again, Lords of the New Church website can be found at: