Read about Louis
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I opened L's birth chart. Numbers and positions were systematically displayed and listed: Gemini-Cancer cusp, Mercury in Cancer, and lots of Leo.  It's dazzling.

How can I really define him, anyway? Should I say, L behaved like the Twins,  but thinking like a Crab, and living like one.  Definitely a mix of human and beast, creatures from both land and water, and contradicting across hundreds and thousands of trivialities.

From the beginning L didn't actually show any sign of balance.  Just after sometime later that he gradually revealed facets of his intrinsic being - for then I know he could have been shy, timid, relaxed, perservered, and (occasionally and selectively) flirtatious. Sometimes I couldn't help but laughed over some of the broad nonsense little jokes he intentionally told on our way to the uni, or at a grocers'.  But, for most of the time, he's tender and quiet, leaving no room for shallow mind and lightheartedness.

Anyway I don't think his acquaintances understood him.  Nor did most of his family. He had always given the impression of being outgoing, fun-loving, adding perhaps a slightest dash of flamboyance.  Yet to me he's so realist and down-to-earth. He carefully planned for whatever he needed.  He'd make sure he's well-prepared enough before every single lecture in order not to disappoint the students.  He tried hard to think through the upcoming problems almost
all on his own, desiring not to distract anybody else. He was always ready to give advice, and to receive from others.

He preferred solitude for most of the time, but eagerly requested for my company.   Those days strolling in the hills and greens with him have been, and will always be cherished. L was a man of skills and eloquence, while both he and I enjoyed our night-long whispering chats on life, thought, and
everything.  Tranquility had always been rest assured in that tiny township which lays back on the mountainous midlands of the Island, where carefree dreams were often kept securely in place.  It was the Paradise Lost.

IN LOVING MEMORY OF LOUIS''He judges not merely for himself, but for all men, and then speaks of beauty as if it were a property of things." - Immanuel Kant