Theodore Parker web site
Theodore Parker Web Site
"Applying good sense to religion and religion to life. This
is the field in which I design to labor"
Transcendentalist, theologian, scholar, Unitarian minister,
abolitionist, and social reformer...Theodore Parker was all of these
things and more. A friend of Emerson, a foe of slavery, Parker
impacted America in numerous ways. He challenged dogmatism in religion,
he introduced higher critical methods of studying the Bible to this country
and presented in a fashion to be used for both clergy and lay people.
This tireless fighter (who lived from 1810-1860) now has a web site
which will be expanding in the next month with articles by and
articles about Theodore Parker.
Theodore Parker's Sermons
The True Idea of a Christian Church Theodore Parker's first sermon at the
28th Congregational Society of Boston in 1846 The themes of social justice and reform at his installation
sermon would be prevalent in many sermons he gave there.
Delight in Religion A sermon delivered to the Progressive Friends,
a Quaker congregation in Chester County, Pennsylvania in 1858
The Permanent and Transient in Christianity
The role concerning women Parker in his advocacy for suffrage and equal rights for women was a figure considerably ahead of his time
Theodore Parker's Letters and Misc.
A Letter to a Southern Slaveholder written in 1848, it
seeks to present a case against slavery
A letter to the American Party in 1855 criticizing it's anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant stances
Parker's Poetry
On Jesus
On Transcendentalism
On Sin
Quotes of Theodore Parker
From Theodore Parker's book A Discourse on Matters Concerning Religion
The Essential Excellence of the Christian Religion
Cause of the False and the Real Veneration for the Bible
The Absolute Religion Independent of Historical Documents- The Bible as it is
The Critical Theology of Theodore Parker
Theodore Parker: The Man
On Theodore Parker's Thought
Excerpts on Parker by Octavius Brooks Frothingham
Theodore Parker: The Preacher
The Apologetics of Theodore Parker
Theodore Parker and Martin Luther King: 2 Lives, One Dream
Theodore Parker: a Magnificent Unitarian Forbear
Theodore Parker was our Savonarola, an excellent scholar, in frank
and affectionate communication with the best minds of his day, yet
the tribune of the people, and the stout Reformer to urge and defend
every cause of humanity with and for the humblest of mankind. He
was no artist. Highly refined persons might easily miss in him the
element of beauty. What he said was mere fact, almost offended you,
so bald and detached; little cared he. He stood altogether for
practical truth; and so to the last. He used every day and hour
of his short life, and his character appeared in the last moments
with the same firm control as in the midday of strength. I habitually
apply to him the words of French philosopher who speaks of "the
man of Nature who abominates the steam engine and the factory. His
vast lungs breath independence with the air of the mountains and
the woods"
Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1880
Parker's Grave Site
The Transcendentalists
Unitarian Universalist Historical Society
another Parker site
Theodore Parker Unitarian Universalist Church in West Roxbury, MA, the first parish Parker ever served
Last Updated 05/04/02
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