On Friday 14 December 2001 a videotape of Osama bin Laden "confessing" to the 9/11 attacks was released.

The tape was supposedly found in a house in Qandahar, Afghanistan. The recording was of very poor audio and visual quality and the authenticity of the tape was questioned. This annoyed President Bush who said "[It is] preposterous to think this tape was doctored". [Guardian]

Okay, let's have a look.

Here's 5 Osama's - which is the odd one out?

Even Mr Magoo would have to say that Osama 'E' stands out like a sore thumb, and this is the man on the "confession" tape. Between the nose and the cheeks it is clear that this man is NOT Osama.

It does not get any more obvious than this.

There is clearly good reason to doubt the tape. There is excessive noise on the audio track, making it impossible to really hear what is being said. Given that the tape was recorded in an area supposedly devoid of audio urban signature, there should have been little ambient noise, yet the speech is masked with a great deal of noise. Then there is that gap in the audio track, reminiscent of Nixon's missing 18 minutes, and the truths it once contained which are lost forever to history.

Doubts have already been raised regarding the correct translation of the speaker's words into "We", when his words could also mean "They".

But there are very good reasons to suspect that the tape is not what the US Government claims it to be. In the tape, Osama supposedly states that he knew of the attack on the WTC 5 days in advance, yet we know from the preparations inside the United States that the plan had been in existence for much longer than that. The records of those flight schools where the hijackers supposedly trained have been confiscated under the watchful eye of Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida and brother to the President. Will the Bush administration now claim that the hijackers learned to fly a passenger jet in just 5 days?

Likewise, The translation of the Osama tape has him stating that the hijackers did not know they were about to die, yet the letters the FBI claims to have found written by the hijackers indicate the exact opposite. Then too there were the numerous words added to the translation in parenthesis to alter and redirect the meaning of the translated words. Finally, this was not the first video tape claiming to be evidence against Osama to surface, and the public is well aware that the claims made regarding the earlier "confession" tape, including a claim that Osama had nukes, were created by the translator, not actually stated by Osama.

As quoted in the Associated Press, Al-Muhajiroun is reporting that the video tape is actually years old; the target being discussed is not the World Trade Towers, but a target inside Saudi Arabia. Even hard line secular Pakistanis are unconvinced. Iqbal Haider, a former senator from the party of ousted prime minister Benazir Bhutto, said he found it hard to believe that bin Laden would allow himself to be filmed confessing to the crime. "It is hard to believe that a man who masterminds the September attacks which such secrecy and finesse could be that stupid and imprudent," he said. "I hate Osama and the Taliban because they inflicted incalculable damage on Muslims ... but it is hard to digest that he can be such a fool."

The figure claimed to be Osama appears to write notes with his right hand, yet the FBI's description of Osama indicates he is left-handed. The man in the video wears a ring which does not appear on other confirmed photos of Osama.

You are being lied to by the US Government. They are using deception to trick you into surrendering your freedoms, money, and the lives of your children for a phony "War On Terror".


See also:

The Taliban Home Video
Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government
The Truth is a Valuable Commodity


What Really Happened