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Teaching the Class
By: Rich Puckett
This study is meant to help children and adults of all ages reach their own understanding of truth. You may take a lesson and break it up in to many parts or modify as required to meet the needs of your group.
Let me say a few things first, which I hope you will think about as you proceed. Teachers often miss the mission or should I say the task at hand. The role of the teacher is to bring information and let the student find the answers from the facts. If the goal is to just present them with information and the teacher tell them this is the way it is, the pupil really learns little that he or she retains. If you challenge the student and they find the answer for them self then you have planted a seed that will only grow. Ask questions, even in the answer to a question, answer with out saying this is the way it is. Use answers that teach here are facts, and here is how the group or I represent our or my interpretation of those facts. The key is know the information and believe in it before you try and teach it.
Encourage the student to ask questions, then guide them into finding the answers. The more pupil involvement the more they will learn. The more you lecture the less they will retain. So make them feel comfortable with talking, you are the guide to a wonderful land of questions and answers. The main reason that Sunday school classes are down and people refuse to go is its boring, they learn nothing. Why, is easy, they are not a part of the lesson. If you want a class that grows and one where people will respect you, then keep them talking, now the hard part.
If you let them talk that is good, but you have to remain in control. Do not let anyone person become the spokes person for the group. You must guide the all the pupils into meeting the challenge of truth and learning. You must find ways to take the lesson back to point, you must find ways of getting others involved.
One way is to look at the class and ask a question, then remark, John I always respect your answers would you mind giving me your first thoughts on this. Once John is answered and it’s dragging on too long. Say stop there a second John, you bring up a point I want to hear how Mary thinks on that issue. Keep control, keep all views going and make sure everyone feels comfortable with bringing up something that may be different or even off the wall. When this happens handle it, don’t run from it or be scared of the different point of view.
Always let the student know that having a different point of view is ok, yet we should always seek for the truth. Encourage each person to be willing to admit that they could be wrong and even if right make the points based on facts.
One last point though I could go on a long time on this subject. Never, allow anyone in the class to attack others or become personal, and you must never be guilty of that as a teacher.
One thing often that becomes a issue is the teacher has so much he or she feels she must get across to the class. You do not have to compromise that ideal, just spread it out into more lessons. One of the greatest injustices that can be done is get a group talking and learning then shut them up because you have a lesson plan you must adhere too. Make sure your plan is flexible. If you use quarterly’s in your class concentrate on learning not on the plan. Often you may not get past one verse, that’s ok if the class walks away having learned what that one verse means then the job was well done. If the class needs more time continue it to the next week, maybe talk to the pastor and have your class meet during med week service to finish up. Do not ever make the mistake of stopping people when they are learning. How do you know they are learning? When they are talking, asking questions, digging in the bible to prove their view. It’s the best thing that a teacher can do is get people digging in the Bible.
Debate is a good thing if its positive, if the teacher keeps control of the issues, and it never is allowed to become a personal attack. It’s ok to talk about different faiths and why they teach something different. Just do not take a stand that they are wrong or liars or attach that faith. If you do you will alienate yourself from your students, for you can be sure they have a uncle or sister or someone that is of that faith. Instead bring them back to we see that verse as meaning ___________ or even admit that they could be right.
If you make a mistake, don’t panic. As you teach you will learn, and being wrong happens to all of us, its part of growing. So admit, hmmm, I never saw it that way before let me pray and study on it a little more. If you see you are in err, gee this is cool Mark you taught me something new.
If your passion is to teach truth, then it is hard work. One of the worst things that can happen to a teacher is to be asked a question and not have any ideal of the answer. Often talented teachers fail to allow class participation because of this fear. Here are some ways to handle it. Wow good question Joe, what do you think Paul? Jane would you take your bible and see what you can find in the concordance on that question. If worse comes to worse, Ok group we have not come up with any clear answers or choices to make so let me do some research on this next week and provide you with some choices.
Notice I said choices, a wise teacher always allows the class to make choices. Life is full of choices we may lean to one ideal, so stress that ideal and why, but never, ever, try and force your choice on the other person.
Ok I know that this is just some starting ideals and could be expanded on, just remember the role as the teacher is to be the moderator, the instructor, the referee, the one to be able to find answers, but most of all one of integrity and leadership, not a dictator or with out authority. Gods word is your friend and best tool use it. Do not rely on others for the answers but rely on God and his word.
John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free
2 Pet 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
2 Pet 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.