The Divine Child Jesus "Maxima debetur puero reverentia" We owe the greatest respect to a child. |
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The Divine Child Jesus is an important figure in Christian symbolism, in some ways he can teach us more as a child than as a man. Jesus Christ Himself said, "Let the little children come unto Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven". Christ also said, "Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. And whoso shall recieve one such little child in My name, receiveth Me". As alsways, Jesus said it best. There really is nothing I can add to stress the importance of the child. I have great devotion to the Royal Infant of Prague, which reminds me of both the Divine Child and the kingship of Christ at the same time. I would encourage everyone to have an image of the Child Jesus in their home as a similar reminder. I keep a small statue of the Infant of Prague, which reminds me not only of the Divine Child, but all children everywhere and their importance to the world. |
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For some of the same reasons I have also had a longtime fascination with the infant monarchs of history. Many of you will remember the dramatic scene in the film "The Last Emperor" in which the 3-year-old child Pu-Yi is enthroned as the Chinese "Son of Heaven". I'm sure to most modern people the image of endless rows of aged men bowing before a child would be one of absurdity. However, although it is not ideal for a country to have an infant monarch (since they cannot fill their role at such an age) I have nevertheless considered child royals to be a wonderful example of what is important about royalty. With their tiny frame they convey the message that in a monarchy it is the institution, and not the individual, which is most important. It is not who they are but what they embody which is special. |
And, in truth, there are many ways in which children in general are far above the rest of society. That is what Jesus meant when He commanded all of us to be as little children; we must strive to adopt the qualities they already have. The German writer Schiller said that children are what we all once were and also what we should all be again. I cannot really explain why this is true, unless it is that these little people are "fresh" from Heaven and have yet to be corrupted by the wicked world. Children have such faith, they believe all things; they have such great trust, depending on their parents without a care or worry in their tiny heads. They do not doubt, dispair or worry about tomorrow. They are totally innocent. Some may find it hard to believe, but we are all children to God. Compared with Him, we are just as helpless, which I believe is one reason why God is so distressed when we do not first come to Him for help. When we are nothing and He is everything it must be rather insulting when we think He cannot help us with our little problems. |
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One reason why the Divine Child Jesus is so powerful, is because that image of Him is so approachable. If Jesus had come to the world as He was, direct from Heaven it would have been too much for most people. However, by coming as a child the people around Him were not afraid. He was able to see the world from our perspective starting from day one. In the modern controversy over abortion, and when listening to the "pro-death" crowd speak of the unborn as nothing more than collections of tissue I am reminded of the Visitation. When Elizabeth met Mary was also the first time John the Baptist met Jesus, though both were still in the womb. As Elizabeth told Mary the baby inside her lept with joy at the approach of his unborn Saviour. You will also notice that all throughout the Bible, without exception, the knowledge of an impending birth was cause for great joy. No one was ever distressed to learn they would be having a child, and keep in mind these people lived lives much harder than our own, and yet they viewed every new baby as a gift from God--just as we all should. |
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Music playing is "Ave Maria" |