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The King of Heaven |
How does one to begin to tell the life story of Jesus? As a part of the Holy Trinity of God, Jesus has always existed. He was in Heaven when the world was created, when life began and when the 'original sin' was committed in Eden. He was there when God warned Satan that one day a woman would produce a child that would bring about his destruction. The woman was our Holy Mother and the child was the Son of God Himself. However, the story of the life of Jesus on earth begins with the lives of St Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Joseph was only a humble carpenter, yet he was heir to the ancient Kingdom of Israel, a descendant of the mighty King David, from whom the prophets predicted would come the Savior of the world. However, Israel did not even exist as a nation anymore and the Jews had all been conquered by Rome and were ruled by the corrupt King Herod. Joseph's wife was Mary, a young virgin who had lived her entire life without sin. One night an angel came to Mary and said that she had found favor above all women and would give birth to the Messiah and would name him Jesus. She, nor her husband, questioned the plan of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit a child was concieved. About the time the baby was to be born the new Emperor of Rome, Augustus Caesar ordered a census taken and Joseph and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem. There occured the miraculous and well known event. With the Inn full, Mary and Joseph were forced to take shelter in a barn and there she gave birth to the Son of God. Angels announced the event to shepherds in the field and mighty men came from the east to offer gifts and prostrate themselves before the child. Although King Herrod massacred many babies trying to kill Jesus, Joseph and his family escaped to Egypt and returned after Jesus was older. At the age of 12 the boy was answering the questions of Jewish scholars in the temple and when He was grown Jesus went out into the world to save mankind from the bondage of sin. He called twelve apostles to help Him in His work and travelled throughout the country teaching the people, telling parables, healing the sick, casting out demons and even raising the dead. The Jewish leaders, the Pharisees, became jealous of Jesus' influence and began plotting against Him. It did not help that the example set by Jesus Christ revealed how corrupt and ungodly they had become. Jesus knew His time was little and that He would be killed, it was not something He looked forward to, but accepted it if God the Father commanded. The Pharisees found a traitor among the apostles, Judas, who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. The Jews came and arrested Jesus who was soon deserted by His disciples. Judas, full of guilt, committed suicide. At the Jewish court it was asked of Jesus if He was the Son of God. He answered, "Ye say that I am" and so the Jews delivered Jesus to the Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate, saying that Jesus claimed to be King of the Jews, the Christ, and was plotting a rebellion against Rome. Pilate asked Jesus if He was King of the Jews, which Jesus could not deny, since He was the son of the legitimate heir of the line of David. Pilate though could see that Jesus was certainly no threat and said he found no fault in Him. The Pharisees though protested so Pilate sent Jesus to King Herod for judgement. Jesus answered none of Herod's questions so he had Him sent back to Pilate. Again, Pilate stated that he found no fault in Jesus, and anyone could see that He was certainly no threat to Rome. However, the crowd shouted out to crucify Jesus. Pilate asked, "Shall I crucify your king?" to which the treasonous mob replied, "We have no king but Caesar". Pilate had the authority to free one man and he gave the people a choice between Christ and a murderer. The people demanded that the murderer be released to them and Jesus be killed, "let His blood be on us and on our children" they cried. Pilate gave the order and washed his hands of the matter, fearing an actual rebellion if he did not give in to the mob's demands. Jesus was taken out to a hill, and with common criminals on either side of Him, was nailed up to a cross with a sign saying, "This Is The King of The Jews". Consider that with a single word Jesus could have called 10,000 angels to His side, but for the sake of the world he suffered on the cross until he died saying, "Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit". A Roman Centurian watching the event said sadly, "Certainly, this was a righteous man". Jesus was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimethea, but on Sunday morning rose from the dead and Mary found His tomb empty. He appeared later to His disciples to give them instructions to carry on His work until He comes again at the end of time to judge the living and the dead. Then, his apostles watched as He ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of God. |