My Lord Came As a Child


My Lord came as a child,
Borne of a virgin birth.
God's gift to all mankind:
God sent Him here to earth.

My Jesus submitted as one lowly,
Yet He was truly a king.
Took upon Himself, humanity,
That He might do one thing.

That one thing was making an atonement,
An atonement for all.
For all who would accept Him,
Yes, those both great and small.

Put your trust in Jesus.
Confess Him as your Lord.
Believe God raised Him from the dead.
Seek the most precious reward.

A reward not based on works,
But one based on grace.
For Christ's works are your merit,
Steadfastly seek His face.

Do His will not as a burden,
But as a gift of love,
For He is a marvelous friend,
Representing you to His Father above.

His Father no longer sees...
The sin and guilt you bear.
You've been washed by Jesus' blood,
Redeemed and placed back in Jesus' care.

Yes, this child born in a manger,
Whom we celebrate this special day,
Is truly both God and man.
To God, through Him, we pray.

Yes, this Jesus of Nazareth,
Became accursed for you and me.
He is the way, the truth, and the life;
He made our atonement on Calvary's tree.

Copyright 1999

Ronald E. Guilfoyle

All Rights Reserved

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