Pray For Peace


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
The latter days descend.
Is Gog and Magog upon us?
Shall Satan's time draw to an end?

God has given us His Word!
Prophetically, we've seen a glimpse.
Has the time of relative peace...
Reached a time of eclipse?

God is in control alright!
Our leaders are being drawn in,
Like a fish with a hook in its mouth.
These days are closing in.

Pray for peace around the world.
Pray God will intervene.
Pray, pray, pray, and pray some more...
That men's hearts will be made clean.

Yes, God is in control, my friends.
The days make that evident.
Look to the Bible for the truth!
Man has broken his covenant!

Seek the Lord, all ye people!
Today is the chosen day!
Trust Jesus with your very life...
He's the life, the truth, and the way!

(C) Copyright 1999
Ronald E. Guilfoyle
All Rights Reserved

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