Lord, Forgive Me


Lord, forgive me for my cold, cold heart.
Fill me with Your Spirit afresh each day.
Remove these chains of doubt and fear.
Lord, please show me the way.

I know You are the truth and life.
I know You are the way as well.
Fill me afresh with Your Spirit, Lord.
Steer my course away from hell.

Lord, soften my heart as it were, like clay,
Malleable, not rigid and firm.
Mold me into Your honorable vessel, Lord.
Help me through this life's term.

Tear away at this cold heart of mine.
Lord, I choose to unconditionally love.
I want agape love to flow from my heart...
That which is inspired from above.

Let me look with eyes of love,
At each person I may meet.
Let me take Your gospel, Lord,
To those out on the street.

Lord, soften this hardened heart.
Let forgiveness flow from within.
Like merciful waters over a parched land,
Quench my soul again.

Lord, open up the doors for me,
Urge me to go through them.
Let me be Your minister, Lord,
To lead souls away from sin.

Lord, I yield to You as Your witness.
Lord, fill my heart with glee.
Help me to raise You up for others,
That they may come to Thee.

'Tis You that do the drawing in.
I can only show them You,
By testifying of my risen Saviour.
That's what I want to do.

Help me to not hide the light,
But place it on the table,
In clear sight of all I meet,
Testifying of the one born in a stable.

Under a bushel shall it not be placed,
But on a hill for all to see.
Jesus is the light of the world,
The one whose love saved me.

This unconditional love He has for me,
Led Him to His cross.
Shed His blood and died for me,
That I would not incur any loss.

Ronald E. Guilfoyle

Copyright 1997, 1999 Ronald E. Guilfoyle
All Rights Reserved

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