1999 The AMIEL and SMD issues of Dinossáurios
In the 9 th November 1999 a new ATM was issued to use in the AMIEL and SMD machines . It was the Dinossáurios ( Dinosaurs ) issue . These issue has four diferent motives showing several species of dinosaurs who lived in Portugal :
Motive 1 : Pistas de Sauropoda ( Sauropoda tracks )
Motive 2 : Lourinhasauros
Motive 3 : Allosauros
Motive 4 : Ducentrurus
This issue was design by José Projecto and Mariana Santos . The ATMīs were printed by the Ovelar spanish firm that is know to print the first Epelsa ATMīs for Spain .
The standart values of this ATM were : 50 ; 95 ; 100 ; 140 PTE and the Correio Azul values of 80 ( national ) and 350 ( international ) PTEīs . Due to the four diferent motives , to obtain all the motives with every single motive with all the standart values printed , the set reach 16 ATMīs and 8 ATMīs for the standart values of the Correio Azul values .
The receipt for these ATMīs were exacly identical to the others of the previous AMIEL and SMD ATM issues ( printed in a normal white paper ) .
The AMIEL set
The SMD set
The first day cachet ( same for both machines )
The AMIEL First day cover ( cortesy of Mr. Carlos Pimenta ) . Same identical base was used for the SMD set
SMD Souvenir ( same identical base was used for the AMIEL set )
Like in the other ATM issues it was possible to obtain some errors and varieties like double printings , missing numbers , and many others .
Dinossaur ATMīs without printed value
This ATM issue was later used ( in March 2000 ) in the same AMIEL and SMD machines but with the value printing also in Euro .
Still during the 1999 year , it was initily programed by the portuguese post to issue more ATMīs denominated Projecto Coraįão Feliz ( or Project happy heart - Health ) but this project has not been issued .
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