2000 The Aves de Portugal issues ( Klüssendorf / Crouzet )


In the 5 th September 2000 two ATM´s were issued to use in the Klüssendorf and Crouzet machines . It was the Aves de Portugal ( Birds of Portugal ) issue . These ATM´s were design by José Projecto and they show a Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber in the Klüssendorf issue and a Marrequinho Anas Crecca in the Crouzet issue .

The standart values of this ATM were : 50 ; 95 ; 100 ; 140 PTE and the Correio Azul values of 85 ( national ) and 350 ( international ) PTE´s for the Crouzet issue and 50 ; 85 ; 100 ; 140 PTE and the Correio Azul values of A85 ( national ) and A350 ( international ) for the Klüssendorf issue .

The receipts for the Crouzet ATM´s were printed in the same paper of the ATM ( just like in the other Crouzet issues ) and for the Klüssendorf issues in a white paper ( just like in the other Klüssendorf issues ) .

For these issues a F.D.C. and a philatelic souvenir ( for each one ) were also prepared .

The Aves Klüssendorf 50 PTE ATM

The Aves Crouzet 50 PTE ATM


The first day cachet ( Klüssendorf issue )

The first day cachet ( Crouzet issue )


First day cover ( Klüssendorf issue )

First day cover ( Crouzet issue )

Souvenir ( Klüssendorf issue )

Souvenir ( Crouzet issue )


This was last issue for the Klussendorf machines , since they had not been prepared for the new Euro currency established in the beggining of 2002 .

The Marrequinho Crouzet ATM has later appeared in 2003 with the printing in Euro only , when the a ATM new issue ( The Euro - the European currency ) was supposed to be in use in all the Crouzet issues .


Like all the ATM machines it was also possible to obtain some ATM´s with some nice and rare printing errors like double printings and missing numbers ( in both machines ) . In the Klüssendorf machines it was possible to obtain the 0 value printing ( the printing test of this machine ) while in the Crouzet machines was possible to obtain TEST IMPRIMANTE and the rare statistic ATM´s ( with printing Taxas em Serviço ) and others mentioning the coin storage of the machine . Another variety are the printing in violet instead of the normal black printing .



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Ricardo Lapa