1992 The Crouzet issue of Espigueiro ( with optical points )
In the 1 st July 1992 the Espigueiro ATM was issued with black optical points in the borders . This issue had exactly the same motive from the previous issue with the only diference of the optical points .
The ATM standart values were : 38 ; 70 and 155 PTE . Regarding to receipts , these could be obtain from 21 st February 1994 and they where printed in the same recharche paper .
No F.D.C. , first day cachet of philatelic souvenir were prepared for this new issue .
The Crouzet Espigueiro ATM without optical points
Like the previous issue , these ATMīs where also again used in the Crouzet machines in February of 1995 due to the finish of the Ciclista ATM recharch paper ( that was in use in the machines until the finish of that recharge paper ) and before the issue of Galinhas ATM . This emergency period of use took to the appearce of another set with the standart values of 40 ; 75 ; 170 PTE and the values of the new Correio Azul service of 75 ( national ) and 350 ( international ) PTEīs .
The Crouzet Espigueiro ATM with optical points for the national Correio Azul service
Like in the other ATM issues it was possible to obtain some errors and varieties like double printings , missing numbers , TEST IMPRIMANTE printing ( the printing test in these machines ) and many others like rare statistic ATMīs ( with printing Taxas em Serviįo ) and others mentioning the coin storage of the machine . Another variety was the printing in violet color instead of the normal black color printing .
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