1992 The Klüssendorf issue of Caravela portuguesa ( first issue )
In the 9 th October 1992 a new ATM was issued to use in the Klüssendorf machines . It was the Caravela portuguesa issue . This ATM was design by Anabela Silva and it shows a portuguese boat used in the XVI Century . The standart values of this ATM were : 38 ; 65 ; 70 and 120 PTE . Like the previous Klüssendorf issues , from five to five labels it was possible to earn one label with a control number in the back . Regarding to the receipts , their were printed in a normal white paper ( just like the previous issues ) . This ATM was issued with a dark gomme in the back . In 1995 a similar ATM was issued ( with the same motive ) but with lighter colors , white gomme in the back and without any control numbers in the back .
The Caravela portuguesa I Klüssendorf ATM first issue
Control number in the back of a ATM
The first day cachet
First Day Cover( not scanned yet )
In 1997 the Klüssendorf machines model 631 had started to print a A character in the values of Correio Azul . So it was possible to obtain some ATM´s with the values of A 75 ( national priority mail ) and 350 ( international priority mail ) PTE´s .
Caravela I Klüssendorf ATM Correio Azul set
Like all the ATM machines it was also possible to obtain some ATM´s with some nice and rare printing errors like double printings , missing numbers , 0 value printing ( the printing test of this machine ) and many others .
Caravela I Klüssendorf ATM without value printed
Caravela I Klüssendorf ATM with paper cut errors
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