1992 The Crouzet issue of Ciclista
In the 9 th October 1992 a new ATM was issued to use in the Crouzet machines . It was the Ciclista ( Ciclist ) issue . This ATM was design by Víctor Santos and it shows a toy figure in a monocicle . The standart values of this ATM were : 38 ; 70 ; 155 PTE and the Correio Azul values of 75 ( national ) and 350 ( international ) PTE´s . Regarding to receipts , these could be obtain from 21 st February 1994 and they were printed in the same recharche paper .
The Ciclista Crouzet ATM and respective individual receipt
The first day cachet
First day cover ( not scanned yet )
Like in the other Crouzet issues it was possible to obtain some errors and varieties like double printings , missing numbers , TEST IMPRIMANTE printing and many others like rare statistic ATM´s ( with printing Taxas em Serviço ) and others mentioning the coin storage of the machine . Another variety was the printing in violet instead of the normal black printing .
The Ciclista ATM without printed value
This ATM´s was later used ( in the time period from 27 th January to 14 th February of 1995 ) in the future INESC APM 200 machine .
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