Brasil Klüssendorf Issues
In 1993 a new machine was introduced in Brasil : the Klüssendorf machines 847 and 870 . The first Klüssendorf issues from Brasil took place in the 30 th July of that same year .
At that same time , two ATM´s were issued . One with the Brazilian Post logo and the other one with the Brasiliana 93 logo ( to celebrate that philatelic event ) .
Brasil Klussendorf ATM´s
These ATM´s were both designed by Marta Poppe and printed in Mexico by Protesa ( the company that also printed the second Klüssendorf issue of that country ) . The standart values for this first issue were : 11400 / 73200 and 186000 Cruzeiros . It was possible to obtain ATM´s starting from the lowest value of 100 to the highest value of 999900 Cruzeiros .
However due to a very strong economic inflation , the values had to be reajust several times acording to the postage rates .
It was also possible to obtain a receipt printed in a normal white paper .
Brasil Klussendorf machine receipt
These both ATM´s were used until 1994 , when a new ATM was issued .
Brasil Klussendorf issues first day cancelations
Brasil Klussendorf issues philatelic informative brochure
In the 5 th October 1994 , another ATM was issued to be used in the Klüssendorf machines . It was a ATM issued to celebrate the 46 th International Book Fair in Frankfurt ( Germany ) .
This new ATM was also designed by Martha Poppe and printed by Protesa ( in Mexico ) . This ATM was issued in a period that Brasil adopted a new currency to fight the hight economic inflation : the Real . The standart values for this issue were : 0,84 / 1,50 / 2,14 and 2,80 Reais . Like the previous Klüssendorf issues it was possible to obtain a receipt printed in white paper .
International Book Fair Klussendorf ATM
International Book Fair Klussendorf first day cancelation
International Book Fair Klussendorf issue philatelic brochure
Althow the original standart values of 0,84 / 1,50 / 2,14 and 2,80 Reais , it was possible to obtain a interesting variety with the unusual and scarce value of 0,24 Reais .
International Book Fair Klussendorf ATM with 0,24 Reais value
Brasil ATM´s index | Brasil Frama Issues | Procomp issue I | Procomp issue II | Procomp BRAPEX 2004 Dove issue
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