Brasil Procomp Issue II ( Ararajuba )


In the 25 th September another ATM was issued to use in the Procomp machines : the Ararajuba ATM ( Procomp issue II ) .This new ATM shows a rare brasilian bird denominated Ararajuba ( Guaruba guarouba ) that is in extinction .

The ATM was designed by Márcio Rocha and printed by PIMACO .

Ararajuba Procomp issue ATM ( printing in blue / violet color )


The standart values for this issue were ( in Reais ) : 0,27 / 0,44 / 0,45 / 0,60 and 1,50 .

The value printing in this Procomp second issue is slight diferent from the first issue .


Ararajuba Procomp issue first day postmark

No first day cover was prepared for this issue since that the brasilian Post does not prepare anymore this kind of philatelic material since about 1997 .

Ararajuba Procomp issue informative brochure ( Cortesy of José Jové i Jové )


Black color printing variety

In the year of 2001 , a interesting variety of this issue has appeared , with the priting color in black instead of the normal blue / violet color printing .

Ararajuba Procomp issue ATM with printing in black color ( Cortesy of Danny Van den Reeck )





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Ricardo Lapa