The Specimen ATMīs and receipts
It is quite usual that ATM postage labels machines companies produce Specimen ATMīs to test their own products ( software , printing and other ) and to offer to potencial clients , in order to present the machines .
Several of these Specimen ATMīs and respective receipts are offered in Technology Fairs and Events , where the companies are present with sample machines to make a more eficient presentation of their products .
This section is regarding some of this Specimen ATMīs and receipts ( most concretly from Newvision ) , that are also a interesting item for a ATM collection .
Newvision Specimen ATM I
Newvision Specimen ATM s for Euro printing tests
Newvision Specimen ATM with Euro printing ( interesting 0,5 Euro low value ) and receipt ( long and in english language )
Newvision Specimen ATM with Euro printing and receipt ( small and in english / portuguese language )
Newvision Specimen ATM with Euro printing and Post Expo 2002 printing
Newvision E Post 2000 Prestige Compact Specimen ATM with Pochtovaya Troika 2003 printing
Newvision E Post 2000 Prestige Compact Specimen ATM with Euro 2004 printing
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