The Reincarnation FAQ
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The Reincarnation FAQ

Maintained by Richard Holmes

For the foreseeable future, there can be no absolute scientific proof of reincarnation, and none against it. It is up to the individual whether they take a personal stand or not on the issue. But for those interested in the subject, it is desirable to have as much information about the evidence to date and the various schools of thought.

This FAQ (short for "Frequently Asked Questions") was created to provide answers for the many common questions people have about reincarnation and also to give as wide a background to the subject as possible in terms of scientific, religious and mystical exploration. Suggested corrections and/or additions are very welcome.

This page was created in January 2001.


Table of Contents:

Reincarnation terminology
    The cycle of rebirth
    Transmigration of the soul
Is there any evidence at all suggesting reincarnation?
    Glenn Ford - mysterious language abilities
    Jane Evans - unexplained knowledge of 12th century Jewish history
    Jenny Cockell - did she find her children from a past life?
    Children's Past Life Memories
How can events or memories from a past life affect people in this life?
    Recurring dreams or nightmares
    Seemingly irrational fears or phobias
    Unexplained or chronic physical afflictions
How do people claim to remember past lives?

    Spontaneous recall
    Triggered recall
    Profound meditation
Can past life regression be used for healing?
    Healing via Hypnotherapy
Common questions people have with the concept of reincarnation

    If people have lived previous lives, wouldn't they remember them?
    Why do so many people into reincarnation seem to remember being someone famous?
    If there's only a fixed number of souls, how has the world population increased?
    So after we die, there's no eternal heaven?
    Isn't reincarnation heresy if you're a Christian?
    Won't I have to stop being a Christian if I believe in reincarnation?
    Isn't it the devil's doctrine?
    How many people believe in reincarnation?
Common questions about how reincarnation might work

    Are people supposed to look like their past life self?
    Do people reincarnate as animals and vice-versa?
    If people remember a past life as a foreigner, why can't they remember their past life language?
    What factors decide where people are born in their next incarnation?
    How long are people supposed to spend between incarnations?
    Why can't everyone remember their past lives?
    Does everyone just keep reincarnating forever?
    Why does nobody I know seem to have past life memories?
What views do major religions and philosophies take on reincarnation?

    American Indian beliefs
        Christian personalities and organisations which teach reincarnation
        Don't some Bible verses conflict with reincarnation?
        Are there any Bible verses which support reincarnation?
How can people try to find the details of their past lives?

    Try to improve your natural psychic ability
    Consult a psychic
    Self-regression using relaxation and visualisation
    Professional past life regression using hypnosis or deep relaxation
Prominent people who accepted reincarnation and/or appeared to recall past lives

General resources

    Self-regression cassette and CD courses
    Books on reincarnation
Internet Resources

    Personal past life memories on the web
    Related links
    Researchers working in the field of reincarnation
    On-line Discussion Groups

Reincarnation terminology

Is there any evidence at all suggesting reincarnation?

How can events or memories from a past life affect people in this life?

How do people claim to remember past lives?

Can past life regression be used for healing?

Common questions people have with the concept of reincarnation

Common questions about how reincarnation might work

What views do major religions and philosophies take on reincarnation?

How do people try to find the details of their past lives?

Prominent people who accepted reincarnation and/or appeared to recall past lives

General resources

Internet Resources

Visit for information on past life regression
Back to Richard Holmes's homepage This page was last updated in April 2006