AGE: 12
DIGIMON: Pururumon, Poromon, Hawkmon, Halsemon, Shurimon
ARMOR: Love and Purity.
Yolei is the oldest of the new Chosen Children. She is the youngest child in her family and a bit on the spoiled side. She loves adventure and exploring and is a genius when it comes to anything mechanical. She's also a member of the same computer club that Izzy used to be head of.
Yolei lives with her mother, father, and two older sisters and an older brother. Her family lives in the same apartment building as TK and Iori (Cody) Yolei's parents own a convenience store.
Yolei was one of the many children from around the world who encouraged the original Chosen Children through email when they were fighting the internet Digimon. (Digimon Movie)
From a Japanese CD cover.