About Us
Lunar Xmas Party 1999 Our Info:
Name: Rick & Julie Getz
Email: rickgetz@yahoo.com
Rick attended Schiller Int'l University, and in the summer of 2002, learned to speak German at F+U Language Academy.  His German isn't great, but he can get by. He trained to be a ski patrol and is currently a member of the European division of the National Ski Patrol and a Ski & Togabbon Instructor.  He completed his M.B.A. program, began teaching business English to German business executives, and is now working for the United States Army Garrison Heidelberg as the Health Promotion Coordinator..

We finally decided it was time for kids.  Julie gave birth to
Nathan on September 28th, 2003. Life has changed, but we love it!

After 13 years, we are finally moving back to Colorado.  We recently signed a contract to build a new house near Denver. We will move back fall 2006.
Rick & Julie
Our latest adventure has brought us from Northern California to Lochheimerstrasse in Heidelberg, Germany.  Rick made the difficult decision to leave the wonderful people of Lunar Design.  As great as it was, it had been six years and it was time for something new.

Julie found she could transfer from the VA to the DOD, which had an opening for a PT in Germany.  They paid to move us over here, including shipping our car.  The only thing we had to pay for was shipping Cookie.  Julie is now working with children and loving it, and speaking excellent German.  There are some other nice benefits as well.  In fact, they were so generous that Rick decided he could take a year of from work and get his M.B.A. (better late than never).