by: Rick Johnson
PO Box 40451
Tucson, Az.

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These maps are the ones that relate to the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs with additions from my ERB Fan-Fic.
The main maps of Barsoom, Amtor, etc will be found on those specific pages so these are mostly the Lost Cities and additional maps.

If you want to see maps of my mostly non-ERB stories, go to Maps from these stories

I apologize for the poor quality of these black & white maps but the decent colorized version took up far too much memory and I cannot affort to pay for more bandwidth.
Some of the references here are to articles and stories to be found here, on my RLJ page and at ERBZine. Happy hunting if you want to read them.


-This is the original map drawn by Edgar Rice Burroughs from descriptions and notes received from Greystoke.

-This is a more cleaned up and readable version of the Greystoke/Burroughs map.

-Here is my thoughts on the geographic features of Pal-ul-Don. Notice that I have named the major mountain ranges and valleys and located areas where I believe Kors and cities would have been built. However, it is clear from Greystokes journals that the north and north-east areas are uninhabited, though with the population explosion following the outlawing of human sacrifice among the Ho-Don and the ensuing peace between the Ho-Don and Jor-ul-Ja, the population would need to expand and so who knows where they built.

-This is the ground level of A-Lur showing major buildings.

-This is the level immediately below the surface of A-Lur.

-This is the next level below in A-Lur.

-This is Africa after the collapse of the mountains that blocked the Congo River from Drying Out in a Humid World. It is based on the writings of a German Engineer who planned to build a dam across the Congo River and flood internal Africa. I believe that this explains a lot about Opar and Pal-ul-Don. Read my paper on Opar for details.

-Here is southern Pal-ul-Don after the Morass dried and the Don expansion from Drying Out in a Humid World.

-If you are curious, I did a paper on Malthusian Decimation in Pal-ul-Don that explores where the additional people went or didn't go after human sacrifice was outlawed.


-These are the original maps of Barsoom drawn by Edgar Rice Burroughs taken from notes and descriptions by John Carter.

-This is a sectional map of the Artolian Hills

-This is the Helium Valley.

-This is Helium as drawn from the descriptions by Dejah Thoris to John Carter in A Princess of Mars

-Here is the Koal Forest. As you can see, the River Iss enters the forest from the north and leaves from the south, irrigating this ancient forest in the desert. I believe that Koal was once a seaport and so have added features based on my articles on Mapping Barsoom to be found at ERBZine.

-This is the Sea of Korus and the Valley Dor. I agree with Den Valdron in his Mapping Barsoom articles found at ERBZine.com that Korus must be more northerly than the assumed South Pole. My arfuments can be found in my own Mapping Barsoom articles.

-Here is a close-up of the Valley of Lost Souls where those who sought heaven became disenchanted and turned off just before entering the Valley Dor.

-Here is the Valley Dor.

-Here is the forest of Manator. You can see the hills to the west that prevent aviation and contain Bantoom with Gathol to the east and the Kamtol Valley to the north.

-This is where I believe the River Iss would flow. My arguments are that the Iss results from the overflow of the Toonol Marsh, enters and waters the Koal Forest then heads to fill the Sea of Korus. As Barsoom seems to be littered with craters, I believe that at least some of these would fill to form lakes and marshes and forests (to be covered later in another article).

-This is the Toonolian Marshes as drawn by ERB from descriptions by John Carter. All I did was to enlarge and expand on the given map.

-Here is the Mountains of Torquas, again from the Carter Map as given to Burroughs. It is clear that the Green Hoards of Torquas possess this entire area but the Green Hoard of Thurid lies to the south-east of the Torquas. At one time I believe that these mountains were a large island or small continent in the middle of the Torquas Sea with Aaanthor a seaport.

-Here is the Island of Gathol 500,000 years ago when Throxeus was still a living sea. You can see the main mountain andto the Sw a smaller hill then a secondary island to the NE. To the right is an elevation view to show the ground level. Note how the prevailing winds come from the NW to produce a well-watrered plain onthe western side of the island.

-Here is Gathol today. The sea has almost dried up leaving Gathol as one large mound with three smaller cone peaks surrounded by a salt marsh. The rivers still flow but now only seasonally are all running.

-Here is my concept of what Barsoom should look like 500,000 years ago when the seas still covered the planet. My arguments for this can be found in my Mapping Barsoom articles along with a much larger and better map of the planet.

-Here is my thoughts on what Barsoom looks like today. Again, refer to my Mapping Barsoom articles for a better and larger map and my reasons behind my thoughts.

-This is the route taken by Ayiesha after her advent on Barsoom from A Maiden on Barsoom.

This is the Toonolian Swamp from the Spy stories of Jason Obrien in the 22nd century.


-This is the re-done map drawn by Edgar Rice Burroughs from descriptions and notes received from the Tyler & Billings expedition. I added notes on the side.

-This is the expanded map of Oo-Oh Isl from Weir-Lu of Caspak

-This is the presumed location of Caspak based on description of icebergs and locations of undersea mountain ranges.

-This is the tunnel cut from Caspak to Oo-Oh by Jason & Ayiesha in Weir-Lu of Caspak.

Sociology of the Weiroo by Rick Johnson
An exploration into the society of the winged men on Caspak and why they are as they are with a map of the evolution of the Weiroo city. Submitted to ERBZine.com.


-This is the original map drawn by Edgar Rice Burroughs from descriptions and notes received from Julius.

-This is a detail map of the interior of the Moon by Edgar Rice Burroughs.


-These are the original maps of Amtor drawn by Edgar Rice Burroughs taken from notes and descriptions by Carson Napier.

-This is Amtor as corrected by Rick Johnson.

-This is the map of Anlap Isl as drawn by Rick Johnson.


These are some of the maps of the cities visited by Greystoke in his travels.

Opar by Rick Johnson
A paper describing the history and location of Opar along with a map of the city and the reason why it became lost. Submitted to ERBZine.com.

-This is taken from the Burroughs map of the Roman cities of Castra Samguinarius and Castrum Mare.

-This is taken from the Burroughs map of Minuni, the Land of the Ant Men.

-This is taken from the Burroughs map of Athne & Cathne, the Cities of lions and Elephants.

To contact me or to request topics to be covered, send to RikJohnson@juno.com
by: Rick Johnson
PO Box 40451
Tucson, Az.

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