Being a Catalog of Rumor and Supposition Concerning the denizens of the Abyss, As Known By Learned Sages of the Material Plane
Drawn largely from Randy Dorman's post to the Greytalk list.

Abaddon. A prince, called the Destroyer and the Lord of the Bottomless Pit.

Abat-Dolor. "The Black Ones." A race of beautiful, black-skinned
demons, kin to Graz'zt. They stand 7' to 8' tall and wear red bronze
plate armor and helmets. They wield swords, spears, and arbalests; they
also use tubes which discharge anti-matter (!). The Abat-Dolor dwell in
Iyondagur (also known as Lyondagur), the 399th abyssal layer. Formerly divided into thirteen
clans, there are now nine. The Abat-Dolor are ruled by Elazalag.

Abraxas. A prince, known as the Supreme Unknown. Master of magic and occult lore; followers believe that after death they will be transformed into creatures of light and endless bliss. His consort is Barbelo.

abyssal maw. Minor demons, mostly mouth. Serve Yeenoghu.

abyssal ravager. Minor hyena-like demons with poison stings. Associated with Yeenoghu.

abyssal skulker. Minor demons that resemble hairless horned apes. Serve Yeenoghu and other lords.

Achamoth. A lilitu, servant of Ahrimanes. Sister of Barbelo.

Ades. An ancient lord of darkness, now presumed imprisoned or dead. A rival of Demogorgon and a predecessor of Orcus. Thought to be the father of Graz'zt, Lupercio, and Rhyxali.

Adimarchus. Demon Prince of Madness.

Adonai. A fiery demon lord serving Lady Ahrimanes. Lord of anarchy.

Aeshma. A lord of wrath, chief of Ahrimanes� servants. His symbol is a triple scourge, each ending with a fanged demonic head.

Agadin. A minor lord.

ahazu. 1 (l.c.) A type of tanar'ri: lank and long-armed, but square-shaped. Similar to alastors? 2. (cap.) A lord of disease, called Ahazu the Seizer. Has a fortress on the Plain of Infinite Portals leading to a layer called the Withering Mangrove.

Ahijah. A cambion lord, the son of Azael. Father of the tiefling half-ogres Og and Sihan.

Ahrimanes. A prince of darkness, called "the Demon Lady Ahrimanes." Has three horns and eight faces. Served by seven lesser lords: Iao, Sabaoth, Adonai, Ouraios, Eloi, Astaphiss, and Achamoth, under the command of Aeshma.

Aishapra. A true demon, marilith rank.

akuryou. Invisible, positive-energy based demons.

alastor. 1. Executioner tanar'ri serving a cabal of nalfeshnee. 2. (capitalized) The name of Asmodeus' Chief Executioner.

Aldinach. A calculating female lord, one of the lilim. Causes storms, ships to sink, etc. Called Aldinach of the Thirty-Three Terrors and Princess of Disasters.

Aldinae. A consort to Gresil, missing for 12,000 years. Probably something very weird now.

Alrunes. A female lord. Serves Nocticula as avenger, sorceress, and virgin. 2. (uncapitalized) A race of demons with fanged vaginas, serving Nocticula.

alu-demon. The offspring of the mating of succubi and humans. They are always female; appear like attractive humans with bat-like wings. Counted among the lilim.

alkilith. A type of true tanar'ri, slimy and formless.

Alvarez: A lord, known as the Purging Duke and the Duke of the Inquisition. Alvarez is a master of torture who searches the ranks of the tanar'ri incessantly for signs of the taint of Law. In his mortal life (three thousand years ago) he slaughtered much of the nation he served as he found first the dissidents, then the intellectuals, then the gypsies, then the nobles, and finally the merchants guilty of various imaginary crimes. He was finally burned to death by an outraged mob. As a mere petitioner, he outwitted the nalfeshnee of Woe who judged him, and served as a maggot-loving chasme and then as a powerful glabrezu assassin. Alvarez controls legions upon legions of chasme, armanites, and babau. He is said to be omniscient, able to divine the true nature of any creature he sees, but this does not seem to affect his judgement one way or the other - he destroys those he wishes to destroy, and this means they were guilty of something. He can spit a highly corrosive acid, and cast earthquake, heal, hovering road, resurrection/destruction, shadow engines,shape change, time stop, and timelessness at will.

Alzoll. A true tanar'ri, balor rank.

Alzrius. A prince called the Lord of Infernal Light. Resembles a dancing tongue of flame.

Anarazel. A prince. Guardian of a Thousand Terrors, Lord of Wickedness. Said to guard treasure and rule spirits.

Ansitif. A lord.

Apathy. A god, originally native to the Gray Waste. Now ruler of the Ashen Waste of Zahhak.

Apepi. A cobra-headed lord with an unwavering stare. Wields a khopesh sword and has a poisonous spittle and bite.

Arachnadia. See Lolth.

arachnos. Eight-armed demons of Chaos, perhaps daughters of Pale Night.

Ardat. A lilitu, patron of alu-demons. Consort of Bale.

ardat lili. Half-demons, the daughters of lilim with elementals, slaadi, or non-chaotic fiendish races.

Areex. A prince; possibly the same as Arioch. Exceptionally warlike.

Ariax. A prince, defeated by Graz'zt and possibly destroyed. Perhaps the same as Arioch.

Arioch. A lord (?). Also known to be the name of an arch-devil.

Argvan-sept. A lord of magical secrets and time. Appears in places of arcane chaos. Steals years from spellcasters.

Armon. A lord of destruction and chaos. Dwells on a layer of infinite devil corpses.

Arzial. A prince, serving under Graz'zt. Associated with a magical item called the Amulet of the Abyss.

armanite. A centauroid lesser tanar'ri breed.

Aseroth. Demon Prince of Evil Lycanthropes. Allied with githyanki. Masquerades as Socothbenoth.

Asima. A lord of uncertain gender. A patron or explorer of Fate. Associated with Mandrillagon and Soneillion.

Astaphiss. Lord of Hunger, Lord of the Third Gate. A servant of Ahrimanes, collector of damned souls from the Howling Threshold.

Astaroth. A prince (slain by Gargoth of Baator?). Patron of knowledge and science.

Athux. A cambion son of Graz'zt, played a key role in the capture of one of the Dark Prince's enemies - the Abyssal Lord known as Adimarchus, Demon Prince of Madness

Awar. Serves Eblitis. A cambion with brilliant peacock wings. Famous for his many tiefling young.

Azael. A lord, called Confusion. Has three heads wreathed in flame. Dwells in an everchanging, Limbo-like layer.

Azazel. AKA Azazazazel, the Guardian of the Goat. A prince allied with Bulumuz and hostile to Graz'zt. Friendly(?) to Fraz-Urb'loo. Also known to be the (former?) name of an arch-devil.

Azidahaka. A prince, called the Dragon of the Lie. Possibly the same as, or deposed by, Alvarez.

Azgoroth. A living abyssal layer. Another name for Ojukalasogadit.

Azoth. A sleeping prince.

babau. A type of lesser tanar'ri; also called one-horned horror or ebony death. Appears as a tall skeleton in form-fitting black leather, with a horn-like growth projecting from its skull. Hated by vrock, hezrou, glabrezu, as well as nalfeshnee. Said to be recruiters for the Blood War.

Bale. An incubus of power. Master of the layer called the Mistlands. Consort of Ardat.

balor. 1 (l.c.). The most powerful type of true tanar'ri; also called fire-demons, roaring demons, raloog, and conflagranti. Each has its own individual name; sources conflict as to the total number of these demons that exist: six, twelve, twenty-four, and even six hundred and sixty six have been suggested. Demi-lords of the Abyss. Said to be more organized than other demons; because of this, they are disliked by the lords and princes. Lesser chaotic evil creatures are drawn to the charisma of the balors. 2 (cap.). a fire-demon of largest size and power; a servant of Demogorgon.

Baltazo. The Pitiless. A lord of the Plain of Infinite Portals; a balor of tremendous power. Described as desiccated.

Baphomet. Prince of minotaurs. Bears great hatred for Yeenoghu and Geryon. Lives at the center of a great maze that spans his layer and the layers adjacent to him. The maze is rumored to be populated by all manner of minotaurs, some of whom have breath weapons and magical abilities. Said to have been imprisoned and given as tribute to Orcus (?).

bar-lgura. A type of lesser tanar'ri, also called leaping demons. Appear as grotesque orangutans. Shun most other sorts of demon; serve as scouts in the Blood War.

barbeast. Doglike demons who appear to be made of razorvine.

Barbelo. A female lord, one of the lilitu. Consort of Abraxas. Sister of Achamoth.

Barbu. A female lord.

Bayemon. A lord.

Bechard. A lord.

Behemoth. A prince, called the Great Beast. Said to be in exile. Will fight Leviathan (q.v.) at the end of time.

Bileyan. A succubus of profound power and idiocy.

Bilwhr. A true tanar'ri, nalfeshnee rank.

Black Angels. See Munkir and Nekir.

Black Prince. See Orcus.

Blackdraken, Horlas. Usurper Prince of Morgonaugh, former realm of the dead prince Tashk. Enemy of Mot.

blood fiend. An undead, vampiric demon with four arms.

boar-demon. See nalfeshnee.

boorixtroi. Misshapen, giant tanar'ri, probably the same as goristroi (q.v.). Stupid, with disproportionally long right arms and shark-toothed, lipless mouths. Employed as enforcers.

bulezau. A type of goat-headed lesser tanar'ri, said to be created by Baphomet. Similar to, but not identical to the schir (q.v.).

Bulumuz. A prince of confusion and madness. Allied with Azazel and friendly with Fraz-Urb'loo. Hostile to Graz'zt.

Cabiri. A lord, also described as a proto-demon (q.v.). Over 12 feet tall, Cabiri has four burning red eyes, a horn-plated hide, and many hands with razor-sharp talons. His voice is multi-toned and discordant. Departs in flame and thunder. Able to vomit a death-ray and belch clouds of poison gas. Possesses some magic use, including dispel magic and cure light wounds. Brother and ally to Pazuzu. Served by the demons Korb, Haklo, and Meemglum. Also called Shibiri or Shabriri.

Cabrir, the. A mysterious demon or event that appears out of nowhere and slays fiends of the Abyss. Thought to be related to the Nameless Ones.

Cagrino. A prince (?).

caligratio. An ancient demonic entity, defeated by Marduk.

cambion. The offspring of a human female and a tanar'ri. Appear humanoid, but with pitch-black, pock-marked skin. Serve as assassins in the Blood Wars.

cataboligne. A type of greater demon, with considerable power, much reduced in numbers by the tanar'ri. Appears as a terrifying scaled humanoid with tail and horns.

chalkydri. A race of true tanar'ri serving Sammael. Chalkydri appear as large snakes, each with six pairs of wings and an allegator's head.

Charmeus. A true tanar�ri of the chalkydri breed.

Charpon. A true tanar�ri of the chalkydri breed.

Charuch. A true tanar�ri of the chalkydri breed.

chitterling. Disgusting minor tanar'ri with a disturbing call, used as hunting animals by their greater kin.

Chaos. A prince, former consort to Pale Night. Served by four warring children called the Arachnos.

Chaos Horror. See Ushablator.

Charun. A lord. The Marshal of Thanatos. Charun is a grisly deity that appears as a large man with black-green hair (that looks like, but actually is not a large number of snakes) with a long hooked nose and feathery wings, wielding a mallet. After Orcus was slain, Charun vanished from Thanatos completely, wandering the Abyss with his herds of petitioners and undead until he heard rumors of his master's return. In his absence, his job was done by greater banshees.

chargin. A type of tanar'ri, scaled and ropy with long-taloned fingers and splayed feet.

Chask. A lord of scythes. Possibly the same as Charun.

chasme. A type of lesser tanar'ri; also called fly demon or greatfly. Appear as a cross between a common fly and a human; act as punishers of the tanar'ri. Hate most other sorts of demon, especially vrock and hezrou; are allied with rutterkin.

chemosit. A one-legged, birdlike lesser tanar'ri.

Chermobog (Cernobog, Zcernoboch): Greater deity (2nd Rank). God of Evil, the Lord of all that is wicked and bad. He is depicted as a squat and dead-black man who is dresses in black and iron. He lives in the Iron Wastes, the 23rd layer of the Abyss. Served by garboncias.

Chidum. A lord, serving Fraz-Urb'loo. Allied with Yuibiri and Zomar. Hostile to Graz'zt.

Child, The. See Demogorgon.

chitterling: A small, noisy tanar'ri used as hunting beasts by their greater kin.

Cligpha. A prince or lord, said to reside in a lake of slime. No one is really certain of her form, but most say it is that of a alkilith with four bat-like wings or that of a succubus with knots of tentacles in place of arms.

clobdroo. A type of goat-horned tanar'ri, perhaps the same as glabrezu.

conflagranti. A balor-like being, more thoroughly associated with fire. Perhaps the same as palrethees.

croaking demon. See hezrou.

cunae wombs. Staggeringly creepy qlippoth, used as mounts by unholy warriors with strong stomachs.

Dagon. A prince, ruling evil sea creatures-specifically fish (?). Controls a liquid plane populated with hezrou, a form of dretch, octopi, squids, kraken, sea-snakes, eels, weird fish, horrible fish-monsters. Served by marine gargoyles. Once formidable, he is a prince in decline, having suffered a number of recent setbacks, and is bitterly resentful. Not liked by any of the other demon princes, he keeps to himself, and is only growing more hateful and strange. Bears great enmity for Demogorgon, who successfully lured the race of Ixitzachtl away. Further humiliated by having to share his name with an arch-devil. Often found in an iron fortress on Pazuzia; roams the Astral Plane. Dagon rules the 50th layer of the Abyss, known as the Ocean of Despair. Once it was a vibrant place embodying the fecundity of Chaos; it's said that each drop of water became a crawling animal or plant the moment it touched land. In recent eons, since Demogorgon and Vepar have been eating away at Dagon's sphere of influence, the Ocean of Despair has become gloomy, placid, and gray. Dagon himself has gone into a sort of sleep in the city he built deep in an ocean trench.

daiva. A lesser tanar'ri breed; servants of Ahrimanes.

Dancer in Darkness. A Nameless One, said to keep the layers of the Abyss in motion.

darba. A type of rakshasa native to the Abyss.

Daresiel. A true tanar�ri of the chalkydri breed.

dark lantern. Darkly glowing balls of demonic flame; the most minor of the jar'taska brood.

Dasim. Lord of Discord. Serves Eblitis. A cambion general. Resembles a bar-lgura.

death stealers. See Nabassu.

Decarabia. A female prince, called the Sovereign of the Seventy-Seven Airs.

Delepitore. One of the lilitu, progenitor of the mormo. Seducer of priests. Allied with Gresil?

Dementhrus. The Gibbbering Fiend. A lord of insanities, servant of the god Nerull. Possibly an aspect of Demogorgon.

Demogorgon. A prince, one of the six most powerful demons in the Abyss; his title is "Prince of the Demons"; his twin-tailed banner is colored black and bright green. He is the prince of cold-blooded things such as snakes, octopi, and reptiles. Controls several Abyssal layers, each of which resembles a jungle filled with many sorts of vicious apes, reptiles (including dinosaurs), and bird-like monsters. Many of his servants appear as monstrous hybrids, such as a six-legged lizard thing with human arms and a bat's head. His personal guard is made up of snake-fish, toad-crab, and lizard-slug demons. Also served by man-like demons with heads like miniature dinosaurs. Over 100,000 demons are said to dwell in his capital city in the Abyss. Wars with Graz'zt and Orcus. His younger brother is Mandrillagon. Some sources describe Demogorgon as "The Child," and hold that Demogorgon often assumes the form of a young human girl.

demonship. Also called Ships of Chaos, these are constructs made in collaboration with the Doomguard.

Dire Whiner, The. A unique demon, formally a denizen of Orcus' realm.

dog-demon. See glabrezu.

dretch. A type of least tanar'ri; said to be most common of all demons. Have round, rubbery bodies and thin, spindly arms and legs. Their heads are set squarely upon their shoulders.

dusin. A type of stocky tanar'ri with crocodile jaws. Fearless and tough, they are often armed with iron weapons.

Eblis. A prince. Often found in an iron fortress on Pazuzia, or roaming the Astral Plane.

Eblitis. A prince, possibly the same as Eblis. In his true form, which few see and live, Eblis appears as a dark tear in the fabric of the universe, filled with millions of all-seeing eyes and all-devouring demonic mouths. To others he may appear as a subtly horned human, an afrit, a multi-eyed cocoon, a vast black bird, or any of a million guises. He is at war with the female peris (an evil lower planar race). He is also, strangely, even though the alignments differ (eblis are neutral evil), the patron god of eblis. His sons are Dasim, Awar, Sut, Tir, and Zalambur. More distant descendents of this being still roam the planes, their planetouched blood undiluted. He is said to be one of the Twelve Ancestors of geniekind, and maintains ties with some of the elemental nobles. He is currently engineering a war between Marduk and Flauros, and between Blibdoolpoolp and Mot. He rules the 427th layer of the Abyss, known as Nakdar Nakoul.

ebony death. See Babau.

echinadeneco. A snaky race of greater tanar'ri, perhaps the precursors of the mariliths.

Eisheth Zenunim. A lilitu dwelling in Deathwinds, layer of Sammael and the chalkydri. Her fortress is called Chioa.

Elazalag. Female lord, ruler of the Abat-Dolor and former consort to Graz'zt. Wields a chain and hooked star.

Eldanoth. Lord of Crime and Hatred. Eldanoth, a former servant of Orcus, is the patron of crime, hatred, and murder. He is the progentior of homocides and the tempter of murderers. Even other abyssal lords, even Alvarez, consider him to be unbalanced. His worship includes the sacrifice of criminals by other criminals. It's said that those who pray to him gain the courage to murder and, in their sleep, dream of the perfect way to frame another for the crime. Eldanoth appears as an emanciated humanoid with smiling fangs, catlike eyes, and serpents growing from his fingertips. He's elaborately dressed in a jade-encrusted kilt and an oversized hunting headdress. Eldanoth makes no noise as he moves; he's a master thief, sorcerer, and assassin. He can change his form at will to better hunt his prey.

Eldest, The. Four demonically infused elementals, rulers of four layers of the Abyss.

Eligor. A prince, called the Goodly Knight.

Eloai. A lord in the service of Ahrimanes. Considers himself the heir-apparent to Ahrimanes� throne.

emburit. Minor demons covered in blisters.

Emix. A lord (?) serving Juiblex.

empusae. A type of lilim, covered in brass scales with snaky hair, wings, and a face shrouded in darkness. Said to be descended from Lilith and various qlippoth. Tempt military leaders. Work for demon princes and various archdevils. Their wombs are icy cold.

enveloper of the innocent. Tumerous blobs of undulating, dark flesh. A lesser tanar'ri breed created by Marbas and the Lord of Many Forms.

Ereshkigal. A prince. Watches over amnesia, energy draining, thieves, the underworld and the Styx.

Errtu. A true tanar'ri, balor rank.

Eurynomus. A lord, called the Corpse Eater.

fesroo. A type of squat, gilla-monster demon. Wield saw-edged glaives. Probably the same as hezrou.

fire-demon. See balor.

Flauros. A prince of fire. Called the Son of Suns.

fly demon. See chasme.

Fraz-Urb'loo. Also Fraz-Urb-Loo, Fraz Urblu, Zhar'Ub-Luur, or Var-Az-Hloo. A prince, the Prince of Deception, the Lord of Lies, the King of the Mind, the Father of Treacheries. Wars with Graz'zt. Served by Chidun, Zomar, and Yuibiri. His realm of False Fallow was said to be a beautiful place; this was only a cruel deception, for beneath the illusion was decay and rotting flesh. Immured in a stone prison on the Prime for several centuries. Fraz is the master of manipulation, using misdirection to deceive even other lords of the Abyss. It's said that the only one to outwit him was that prodigy of trickery Zagig Yragerne, who imprisoned him in his castle for a time. He has recently returned to the Abyss, and is busy transforming his new layer of Hollow's Heart into a veil of cruel lies. Fraz Urblu's gaze can drain intelligence and wisdom from his victims. He has powerful psionic abilities as well as magic. His face is beautiful but cruel, with eyes like shattered mirrors that reveal the duplicity in those who look into them. His body is hulking and monstrous, continually mutating and transforming itself to a bewildering variety of forms. He can shapechange at will, of course, and also confuse people with illusions and hallucinatory terrains.

Fraus. A lord, patron of treachery and fraud. Daughter of Orcus and Pale Night.

Gamigin. A prince, opposed to Orcus. Called the Soulcounter. Rules a legion of lesser deaths.

gaping maw. 1. (capitalized) Demogorgon's watery layer. 2. A rocklike demon that acts as a living portal.

garboncias. One of a class of true tanar'ri who are servants of Evil in the 23rd layer of the Abyss. In material form one appears human, but the sharp teeth and extra fingers and toes give such a being away. Such are the opposite of the taltos of the Beastlands. Related to the abat-dolor? See Chermobog, Kostchei, and Kostchchie.

gashnulfu. A type of demon with tiny wings and pig-eyes, armed with pole axes. Probably the same as nalfeshnee.

Gatekeeper. A former demon lord, guardian of the Plain of Infinite Portals.

Ghlaunder Another of Pazuzu's names.

ghour. A type of powerful demon, servants of Baphomet. Horned, with fearsome roars.

glabrezu. A type of true tanar'ri, also called howling demons and dog-demons. Do not have individual names. Appear as towering, four-armed humanoids with dog-like heads; two of their arms end in great pinchers. Serve as tempters of mortals; typically respond to summonings from the Prime Material plane. Probably the same as clobdroo or klebguzig.

glodretch. A huge, nauseating variation on the pathetic dretch.

Gneenoghu. See Yeenoghu.

Goat, the. See Orcus.

Gore. A malign Slavic and Otamask god of misery and misfortune, allied with Chermobog, Kostchei, and Kostchtchie, and dwelling with them in the Iron Wastes, the 23rd layer of the Abyss.

goristro. A type of greater tanar'ri, much desired by the lords and princes to serve as engines of destruction. Appear as giant bears over 20 feet tall, with faces that combine the features of bison and human.

Gothmog. A fiery prince, thought to be dead.

Graz'zt. A prince. Ebon Lord of the Abat-Dolor, Prince of Lamia, Lord of Shadows, Lord of the Triple Realm. Rules the 45th, 46th, and 47th layers of the abyss, collectively called Azzagrat. One of the six most powerful demons. His steward is Vuron; viceroy, Yeenoghu; and marshall, Kostchtchie. Bodyguard consists of goristroi. Hostile to Orcus and Demogorgon. Home plane semi-tropical, contains his palace and Royal Demnse--a weird garden of black foliage. Palace made of black marble and obsidian, polished to gleam; contains an opaline throne carved out of a single stone. Sky of one layer, Messafgraduum, fire-opalescent. Graz'zt is the handsomest of demons, and most human appearing; has six-fingers on each hand. Excellent tactician. Wields a venom-dripping curved sword and also possesses the Eye of Deception, a powerful abyssal artifact. Attended by lamiae and succubi. Worshipped by humans, he has also begun cultivating a following among the drow. Priests bear symbols of basalt.

Gresil. A lord of names and secrets of Faith. Aldinae was his consort. Associated with Delepitore.

Grintharke. A true tanar'ri, balor rank. Assigned to the Prime Material several million years ago.

grog-demon. See hezrou.

Gulacki. A prince, known as Lord of Pestilence. Probably the same as Marbas.

Gulkar. A balor.

guristhoi. See goristroi.

Gurtheoinr. A balor, leader of a great Blood War army. Called the Prince of the Courts of Mustering. Deposed V'aughrosfl.

Haagenti: Vengeful and all-devouring Abyssal lord of alchemy. Hagenti is allied with Kobal, Prince of Dark Humor (see below), his former master. He is associated with Gamigin, which earns him the emnity of Orcus and Kiaransalee. He is also associated with Malphas, Zuggtmoy, and Juiblex. Haagenti is especially hostile with Flauros; with Nergel, the Justiciar; and with Valefor, the Prince of Theft (race unknown). More than anyone he hates Alvarez, who has attacked his layer a number of times, accusing Haagenti of promoting Law.

Hacamuli. A lord, one of the messengers of Orcus. Appears as a pale, gaunt horse with hazy black eyes. Flies cover his mangy, sore-infested body. His very gaze drains life from his victims; he is also able to cause disease and age his victims by striking with his hooves. Able to gate in shadows and vampires.

Haklo. Ghastly, chimerical demon, servant to Cabiri.

hamedu. Tall, four-armed shadow demons. The assassins of the jar'taska.

Haskruble. A demon, possibly a cataboligne. Servant to Orcus; has steel-blue scales.

heratru. Pale-skinned, female demons clothed in shadow. Possibly the race from which Pale Night emerged.

herensegue. A breed of poisonous, seven-headed snake demons.

hezrou. (l.c.) A type of true tanar'ri, also known as croaking demons, toad-demons, swamp demons, or grog-demons. They do not have individual names, and are between vrock and glabrezu in power. Appear as large, upstanding toads with arms instead of forearms. Enforce the commands of more powerful demons. Probably the same as fesroo.

hippokeres. Demon beast, a parody of a horse with 8 thick legs and muzzle spiked as that of a rhinoceros. Savage; occasionally tamed by Abat-Dolor. Inhabit lower regions.

hissing demon. See marilith.

Hugh. A lord, a trainer of Blood War armies.

hydraggon. A lesser breed of qlippoth, now found throughout the length of the River Styx.

Iao. A lord serving the Demon Lady Ahrimanes. A great shaper of form, called the Lord of Wrongmindedness because of the hideous nightmarescapes he has sculpted from the Abyss.

Ilsidahur A prince

IlssenderAn ancient balor tanar'ri, extremely active in the Blood War. Known for his good manners.

incubus. The male form of succubus (q.v.).

Ipos. The Lord of Masques.

I'tkk'chavni. Demon lord of the van'g, prince of the Swarming Jungle of Ic'vnigh.

Iuz. Cambion son of Graz'zt. Conquered an empire on the Material Plane. Allied with Zuggtmoy.

Iyaviht. A demon princess, patron of the jar'taska. Called the Dark Whisper.

jahi. A breed of tempter demon created by Socothbenoth.

jarilith. True tanar'ri, resemble blood-red horned lions.

jar'taska. A race of shadowy demons, or demonic shadows. Includes the dark lanterns, shadelings, jar'ugr, jethulets, hamedus, heratrus, and possibly the umbrals. Some even connect them with the abat-dolor and the spawn of Pale Night. Their homeland is a sealed layer called the Shadow Fortress.

jar'ugr. Masses of writhing shadow worms, sentinels of the jar'taska.

jethulet. Whispering demons of fear, resembling shadowy larvae with tentacles and a sting.

Jn'Nias. An advanced marilith, ruler of the city Artifice on the Plain of Infinite Portals.

Johud. A true tanar'ri, nalfeshnee class.

Joustriel. A true tanar�ri of the chalkydri breed.

jovoc. Minor tanar'ri with the ability to "share" their suffering. Perhaps related to gremlins.

J'sald Xerix. Prince of Nightmares. Father of Vucarik? J'sald Xerix is an ancient entity who claims to be one of the founding Powers of the Abyss - some say he is the nameless one known as He Who Dreams, or a construct of his. He rules from the Nightmare Cage, a lost layer where all desires come to pass in the most obscene manner possible. There he is eternally imprisoned by his own thoughts; all of his dreams of escape mere constructs of the plane. The Nightmare Cage is nothing and everything; thoughts become twisted reality, as mutable as desire. The only permanent inhabitant is J'sald.

Juiblex. A prince; also known as Szhublox, "The Lord of Ooze," or "The Faceless Lord." Probably the same as the Lord of Many Forms. Demon prince of slimes, oozes, and jellies; kin to Zuggtmoy. His layer is made of living fungus and rot; it is filled with slimes, deadly puddings, jellies, and various amoeboid monsters that all live off each other. There are rumors of a dreadful book that contains Juiblex's true name; however, anyone who reads this name is cursed to die within the year, and spend an eternity thereafter in Abyssal torment.

Keptolo. Consort of Lolth, dwells with her in the Demonweb Pits. Demigod of flattery, warriors, and debauchery.

karaycai. Spellslingers. A wormlike lesser tanar'ri with great magical powers.

kelvezu. True tanar'ri, assassins and infiltrators of the demonic realm.

Kerzit. A unique guardian beast.

kerzow. A type of demon, probably the same as hezrou.

Kevokulli. A true tanar'ri, marilith rank.

Klavikus. A true tanar'ri, balor rank. Servant to Orcus.

klebguzig. Goat-horned type of tanar'ri with pinchers and armed with fauchard-like mancatchers. Larger and fiercer than wulox. Perhaps another term for glabrezu.

klurichir. Mighty true tanar'ri, bent on defeating the mariliths and balors on their own terms. Serve Abyssal lords directly.

Knight Errant, The. A humanoid demon bound about with rings of cold fire and dripping with lightning. It allows no one who look at it to live, no matter how far it must hunt those who try to flee.

Kobal. Prince of Dark Humor (In Nomine). Kobal is allied with his "brother" Haagenti (q.v.), and associated with Marbas, the devils Malphas and Malgrin, and perhaps a yugoloth or two as well. He is hostile to the devil Baal, who attacked his layer once under the guise of a truce, and the 'daemon Kronos, and very hostile with Alvarez, who has accused him of promoting Law. He hopes to turn Malphas and Malgrin against their master Baal. This, he thinks, would be hilarious.

Korb. Ghastly, chimerical demon, servant to Cabiri.

Kostchei (Katschel, Koschey): 4th Rank. The god of evil extraordinary capacity use and the Patron of Necrourges and Sorcerers.

Kostchtchie. 5th Rank. The deity and demon plaguing those fortunate and prosperous. A lord, serves Graz'zt. Otherwise shunned by other demons. Contends against Eligor and Demogorgon.Venerated by some frost giants. He is portrayed as a giant, bandy-legged skeletal figure from whose skull burn amber eyes, within whose rib cage a yellow heart beats and from which black blood drips. He bears an iron club in his bony grip. His domain, Tschyrtolikya, is only part of a single layer shared with Kostchei and Chermobog. That plane is a glacial place filled with all evil creatures of cold, including the garboncias.

Kriitch. A quasit.

Kukkutg (the villainous Kukkutg). A lord?

Labartu. A true tanar'ri known as the Overwhelmer. Appears as a lioness/human woman cross. Seen with Ahazu, Labazu, and Graz'zt.

Lady of Fungi. See Zuggtmoy.

Lamashtu "She Who Erases." Demon queen of monstrous birth and deformity. Formally Pazuzu's consort, now imprisoned by him.

lamiae. A type of lilim, described as snakelike. Rivals of mariliths. Seduce leaders. Some serve in the harem of Graz'zt.

Laraie. A lord of the first layer of the Abyss, called Laraie of the Unerring Bow. Possibly related to the armanites.

law-eater. A greater tanar'ri breed with the ability to rip lawfulness from sentient beings.

leaping demon. See bar-lgura.

Leviathan. A prince (?).

lilim. A breed of demons said to be the offspring of Lilith. Rivals of the night hags. Some work for Hecate. Include the mormo, empusae, lamiae, shedim, lilitu, incubi and succubi. Also known as lilot.

Lilith. 1. Princess of Freedom. Creator of the lilim. She is allied with Nocticula and Socothbenoth, with Graz'zt, with Lynkhab, and with Valefor, the enigmatic Prince of Theft. She is associated with all who use lilim. 2. The name of two entities, one a simulacrum created by the Hag-Countess of Malbolge and the other (Ardat Lilith) a feminine aspect of the Elder Elemental God.

lilot. Another name for the lilim.

lilitu. The ruling caste of lilim, said to be the daughters of Lilith and powerful spirits. Have owl or crow wings. Work with balors. Includes Aldinach, Barbelo, Eisheth Zenunim, and Unsere.

Lisa'aere. A demon queen, princess of poisonous gases.

locust demon. An insectoid breed of tanar'ri that dwells in the Bottomless Pit of Abaddon.

Lolth. Demon queen of spiders; one of the six most powerful demons. Also called Arachnadia or Arachne. Rules a number of adjacent planes, including the 66th layer, the 223rd layer, and the 65th, which houses a great web built in the midst of a primal maelstrom; worshipped by the drow.

Lord of Gluttony. See Haagenti.

Lord of Gnolls. See Yeenoghu.

Lord of Many Forms. A prince, probably the same as Juiblex. With Marbas, created the envelopers of the innocent.

Lord of Minotaurs. See Baphomet.

Lord of Ooze. See Juiblex.

Lugush. A prince; uncomitted.

Lupercio. A prince, Baron of Sloth. Lupercio, a son of Pale Night and an unknown father, is the embodiment of the strength of darkness. He is the mother of neglect, the father of inaction, and the brother of uncaring. The darkness of his body spills for miles, with only his smiling maw visible to his victims. Shadow fiends cluster around him, eagerly feeding on his limitless shadows. When properly moved, he can strike with his fists for 9d10 points of damage, and cause earthquakes by stomping the ground. He can utter curses so foul that they sear the air and boil flesh. His home layer, the Slugbed, is covered with his filth and dung, but also contains clouds of radiance, beautiful forests and graceful castles - there is no overriding theme. Sometimes his presence oozes onto other layers of the Abyss; Lupercio seems to hardly know the difference.

Lynkhab. A lord. Lynckhab is lust, desire, and submission. She is pure will. She is a pure, disembodied force trapped in the form of an Abyssal lord. She can dominate others, forcing them to fight for her or changing their sex or charisma. She can exude auras of desire, awe and beauty. She is immune to all attacks, but those who can suppress their desire can resist her. The Dustmen are looking to recruit her, with so-far disastrous results. They say they can cure her of herself. Her greatest foe is J'sald Xerix, who turns desire into a foul prison that reminds her too much of her own state.

magloire. Lesser tanar'ri, servants of Alrunes.

Malohin. The exiled tanar'ri prince of murder; called the Strangler.

malvachnu. A type of demon.

mandragoras. A race of demonlings similar to quasits, able to transform into dolls.

Mandrillagon. A prince, Demogorgon's younger brother (!). Possibly related to Asima. Described as a monstrous, blue-faced parody of a mandrill, with massive fangs of filthy yellow-gray. Controls two layers. Served by winged monkey demons. Called one of the mightiest of princes.

manes. A type of least tanar'ri. Nearly mindless, they are the spirits of dead chaotic evil mortals. Sometimes used to form shadows or ghasts--depending on their evil in life. Sometimes dispatched to the Prime Material plane by demon lords or princes for one day.

Marbas. A prince, called the Master of Fetid Change. Served by Merihim. Helped create the envelopers of the innocent.

Marduk. Prince, "King of Fire Demons"; one of six most powerful demons. Lord of balors (?), possibly an ascended one; has risen to power quickly. Bleeds molten stuff when injured. Wields the awesome Firefan, one of the most powerful Abyssal artifacts.

marilith. 1. (l.c.) A type of true tanar'ri, second only to balor; each has an individual name. Also known as snake-demons or hissing demons, act as generals and tacticians in the Blood War. 2. (cap.) A powerful demon of this type.

Marquesse of Loss. A nalfeshnee, one of the greatest of the Lords of Woe.

Mastiphal. A prince, supposedly the creator of the klurichir.

Maughter. A scheming lord of scorpions, allied with Lolth, Blackdraken, and Pazrael.

maurezhi. a ghoulish type of shapeshifting lesser tanar'ri.

Mazikeen. A lilim, queen of the shedim. A potent witch.

Medussusiel. A true tanar�ri of the chalkydri breed, with snakelike hair.

Meemglum. Ghastly, chimerical demon, servant to Cabiri.

Meresijm. A true tanar�ri of the chalkydri breed, serving under Sammael.

Merihim. A lord of plague serving Marbas.

Mirzandulac. The White Lord, chief general of Fraz Urblu before his disappearance. The same as Verin?

molydeus. A unique type of tanar'ri, described as "guardian." Serve as political officers of the Blood War. Appear as red-skinned humanoids with two heads: one a snake's, the other a dog's.

mormo. A type of lilim. Have the heads and torsos of hags and the lower bodies of wolves, and wings. Tempt priests. Lead by Delepitore.

Morflos. A prince (once a balor) whose layer was conquered by Graz'zt.

Morrigan. A lord. Short and beautiful with long golden hair, shadowy wings, and nearly transparent skin. Independent and intelligent, she travels the Abyss as an information gatherer, herald, and spy. She is very curious about the proto-demons and the Nameless Ones. Possibly a heratru.

Monarchs of Demonium. The six most powerful demon princes; list is thought to include Demogorgon, Graz'zt, Lolth, Marduk, Orcus, and Zuggtmoy. Juiblex may or may not have taken the place of Orcus.

Mot. Lord of Famine. Allied with Sekhmeth and Blibdoolpoolp; bitter rival of Blackdraken.

Munkir. A lord. Interrogator of petitioners. Known as the Black Angel and the Prince of Judgement.

Mycortte. An Abat-Dolor, second to Elazalag.

mylochs. Abyssal humanoids (originally from Carceri) who feed on pain. Blue, with featureless bone ridges instead of faces.

myrmyxicus. Mighty true tanar'ri, eelike tentacled creatures of the sea. Rulers of the watery Abyss.

nabassu. A type of greater tanar'ri, also known as death stealers. Actually inhabit the Prime Material for a period of their life cycle. Tall and thin with scaly, sinewy forms, they appear similar to gargoyles.

nalfeshnee. 1. (l.c.) a type of true tanar'ri, just below Marilith; act as punishers of mortal spirits in the Abyss. Many have their own names. Also called boar-demons. Probably the same as gashnulfu. 2.[capitalized]. A powerful individual of this type.

Nameless Ones, The. Primordial powers said to be the creators of the Abyss.

Namtar. Prince of Pestilence.

nark. A small and lowly tracker for the tzaretch.

Nasthrapur. A lord; appears as a red-scaled, leathery-winged humanoid with a bull's head and hooves. Taloned forelimbs take the place of arms; he is able to breathe a gout of fire. Said to have been imprisoned within an artifact.

Navoohos. A lord or archdemon, apparently.

Ndulu. A true tanar'ri, balor rank.

Nekir. A lord, brother of Munkir. Also known as the Black Angel and the Prince of Reaping.

Nergel. The Justiciar, Spymaster of the Abyss. A lord, advisor to Graz'zt. Described as hunched, crooked, and misshapen, tall as Graz'zt. Dark and dour visage. Loves to see death, and has some sort of affinity with undead: able to command shadows. Also called "Prince of Unlife," a title normally reserved for Orcus, a lord he has spied for on occasion. This giant demon spies for other demon lords while counter-spying for their enemies (without each party knowing it). Although his efforts usually produce little gain for him, it usually result in the two demon lords in question fighting (usually erupting into a major war) when they have found that they have been spying on each other. Whether this demon is just trying to keep other demons busy to keep himself alive, or whether he is just trying to spread chaos, is unknown. He usually tries not to be the target of the anger when the demon lords have found out that each of them have betrayed their trust in each other. (Although if either demon found out what was truely going on, Nergel would not stay in his portion of the abyss for long). In combat (which he avoids at all cost unless he is forced to engage in it) he can rake with his two foreclaws for enormous effect. His bite (3-13) may also cause disease (of random type) if a save is not made against it. His roar (of which he may use once per day) causes those in a 10' radius to be deafened (no save) and also causes darkness in a 20' radius.

Nestoriel. A true tanar'ri, chalkydri breed.

Nexroth. A lord.

ngojama. A lesser tanar'ri type, used as assassins. Humanoid, with claws sprouting from its paws.

nicomar. A type of tanar'ri. Saucer-eyed. Also spelled nikomar.

nikomar. See nicomar.

Nisroch. 1. An Abat-Dolor. 2. An exiled diabolic noble, patron of poisoners.

Nocticula. A female prince, associated with vampires and succubi (?).

nuyul. Mind worms, incorporeal psionic demons of madness, mostly driven to Pandemonium.

nyogoth. An insatiable qlippoth breed.

Obox-ob. A prince.

Ochremeshk. A prince, lord of fire and death. Overthrew Nasthrapur. Allied with cabal of evil deities.

Og. A half-ogre son of Ahijah, twin brother of Sihan. Also a priest of his grandfather Azael.

Ogrijek. "Lord of the Winged Zubassu." Lord (?). Advisor to Graz'zt.

Ojukalasogadit. A demon, 'of sorts,' a living abyssal layer. Also called Azgoroth.The 366th layer is a featureless, endless plain of putrid hue, nauseating to behold. The land is shot through with veins and crater-like holes resembling sores. Wormy things shoot out and there are forests of wormy growths. There is a constant stench, as well as continual sounds of slobbering, slurping, rending, screeches, and splintering bones. Site of demon wars, considered to be of utmost importance. Has gateways to other Abyssal layers, and direct gates to the 11th and 502nd layers.

one-horned horror. See babau.

oni. Fiends created by the Celestial Bureaucracy to be tormentors and servants. Many serve in Baator and Mechanus, and many free ones act as marauders and plotters on the Material Plane. Blue-skinned, humanoid oni are also called ogre magi. In the Abyss, many chaotic and evil variations (called shadowlands oni) lurk and craft schemes, sometimes in the service of various chaotic evil gods beholden to the Bureaucracy.

Orcus. Prince; also known as "The Goat," "The Black Prince," "Prince of the Undead," "Lord of Undeath," "Lord of Unlife," "King of Vampires," and "Master of the Dead." One of the six most powerful demons. Wars with Graz'zt and Demogorgon; allied with Marduk (?). Commands at least 12 (undead?) balors, and several less important lords, including Hacamuli, pay him homage. His wand has sometimes been allowed to enter the Prime Material plane and wreck havoc there. Orcus appears as a huge man with bat wings and a ram's head, with shark-like teeth. His realm, Thanatos, is composed of manifold layers populated with skeletal monsters, various sorts of zombies, huecuvae, shadows, sheet phantoms, vampires, and death knights. His dwelling is a great palace made of bones, rising out of ground bone meal. Said to have recently been dethroned and his Rod of Unlife lost or destroyed.

Ouraios. A lord of discord, strategian for Ahrimanes.

paigoel. A guardian demon created from hideously merged einheriar by Anarazel.

Pale Night. A lord, demon lady of the Abyss. Lady of Forgotten Horrors, Forbidden Lore, & Evil Sphinxes. Pale Night is an ancient entity of unspeakable power, an ur-demon said to be the mother of numerous princes, including such entropic figures as Lupercio and Vucarik of Chains. Some say she is the Abyss itself (some say the same of Demogorgon and Merrshaulk). Despite her age and might, Pale Night (sometimes called Old Night, especially in reference to her consortship of the demonic force of the six hundred twenty third layer known only as Chaos) prefers to lair within the realms of other demon lords, with whom she often spawns yet more powerful children. Previously she had dwelt in Degrazazt, the 121st layer of the Abyss, where she took the lost and wandering abat-dolor into her care. She took their high chieftain as her consort and birthed Graz'zt, the young Abyssal Lord of Shadows, and his twin sister Rhyxali, who at that time were little more than a abat-dolors themselves. In recent millennia, her consort has been Baphomet. She visits him rarely, spending most of her time in her tower of bone, but she occasionally involves herself in his cults on the Material Plane, offering a final sanctum within the labyrinth of his faith. The Tower of Bone travels throughout the Endless Maze of its own accord, long skeletal legs ensuring it is never seen in the same part twice.

palrethee. Lesser demons associated with fire. Probably failed attempts at becoming balors.

Palvalg. Proto-demon (?). A flame-demon (a palrethee?) and advisor to Graz'zt; ally to Cabiri.

Paragon of Innocence. See Zzyczesiya.

Pazazeus. See Pazuzu.

Pazrael. Prince, with designs on the Prime Material plane. Probably the same as Pazuzu (?).

Pazuzu. "Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdom." Lord of all evil flying creatures. Appears as a tall human with 4 wings, talons, and a monstrous face. Able to travel to all of the lower planes and even enter the Prime Material. Described as a proto-demon (?). Does not control his own plane, but rules the skies above all of the layers. Brother and ally to Cabiri. A rival of Graz'zt's on the Material Plane. Desires the corruption of innocence above all else. Also called Pazazeus or Pazzuzeus. His symbol is a ruby talon.

Pazzuzeus. See Pazuzu.

Poldarge. A prince?

Polteck. A prince? The same as Poldarge?

Poshban. A minor lord.

predaska. Greater tanar'ic hunting beasts, resembling grayhounds with the fanged beaks of birds of prey.

Prince of Chains. See Vucarik

Prince of Darkness. See Lupercio.

Prince of Deception. See Fraz-Urb'loo.

Prince of Dark Humor. See Kobal.

Prince of Demons. See Demogorgon.

Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdom. See Pazuzu.

Prince of Shadows. Graz'zt

Prince of Undead. See Orcus.

Princess of Freedom. See Lilith.

Proto-Demon. [Obscure] Creatures similar to tanar'ri, but actually have a different origin. Includes Cabiri and Pazuzu. Not to be confused with the qlippoth, but may be associated with the Nameless Ones.

putrescent flow. A hideous, undead-hunting ooze created by Juiblex.

Qixxit. A nalfeshnee artist, one of the Lords of Woe.

qlippoth: An ancient race of demons who once dominated the Plain of Infinite Portals. Said to have created the tanar'ri as servants before being largely annihilated by eladrin hosts.

quadros. Four-armed destroyers for the tzaretch.

Quaolnargn. A lord (?). A giant toad-shaped demon. Immune to petrification and polymorph, its terrible bite drains life force.

quasit. A type of minor demonling, often assigned to wizards as familiars.

Queen of Chaos. A prince, consort of Miska the Wolf-Spider and mother of the spyder-fiends. Also served by beasts of chaos.

Queen of Fungi. see Zuggtmoy.

Queen of Spiders. see Lolth.

Rahu. A lord of pain in the service of Azidahaka. Called 'the Tormentor.'

raloog. Bat-faced fire-demon with spiked flails and terrible swords. Probably the same as balor (q.v.).

Raum. A prince, the Harbringer of the Apocalypse.

Raxivort. Lord of xvarts, former servant of Graz'zt. Fled to Pandemonium.

Rehnaremme. A true tanar'ri, marilith rank.

Rhyxali. A female prince, called Princess of Shadow.

Rimmonn. A female lord in the service of Graz'zt. A tyrannical hellion who wheedles her way into the favor of powerful lords, and loves to meddle. Dangerous and spiteful. Perhaps the same as Rhyxali?

roaring demon. See balor.

Rule-of-Three: A cambion, serves Graz'zt. Prefers the shape of a wizened githzerai beggar.

rutterkin. A type of least tanar'ri; among the weakest and most bullying. Outcasts even in the Abyss, they appear as ugly, misshapen humans.

Lord of Heresy. A servant of Lady Ahrimanes and her chief priest.

Sabnach. A prince, revered by architects and masons. Called the Wormworn Protector.

Sameon. A tanar�ri of the chalkydri breed.

schir. Also spelled sier. A goatish tanar'ri breed, often used as soldiers and guardians. Said to have been created by Azazel.

screeching demon. See Vrock.

Seere. A prince, the Patron of Portals.

Sekhmeth. Goddess of War and Fire. Allied with Mot.

Selvetarm. A lord of spiders and aranea, grandson of Lolth. Dwells with her in the Demonweb Pits.

Sess'innek. Lord, appears as a six-armed lizard king with vestigial greenish brown leathery wings folded along its back.

shadow demon. Very rare and foul creatures from the lower planes; the essence of a demon imprisoned in a shadow. Related to umbrals (q.v.).

Shami-Amourae The Lady of Delights.

skurda. A type of scorpion-demon, described as hulking, with flat lifeless eyes.

Shabriri. The Unfeeling Lord. He has four arms and four eye clusters. Raises dragons.

shadeling. Tiny, skull-shaped balls of demon-infused shadow.

Shax. A prince, called the Great Crippling Gaze. Has the head of a wounded dove.

shedim. A type of lilim, satyrlike. Drains intelligence, enslaves wizards.

Shibiri. see Cabiri.

Shiggarreb. A spider-like proto-demon, a lady of the qlippoth.

shoggti. A slavetaking breed of qlippoth

shoosuva. A type of demonic undead, used as intermediaries between Yeenoghu and his shamans. Appears as a huge glowing hyenaedon.

Sihon. A half-ogre son of Ahijah, twin brother of Og. A powerful barbarian warrior.

Siragle. A prince. Appears as a large muscled human with blackish green skin, has the head of crocodile with black antlers, and red eyes. His tail has a yellow ivory stinger. Allied with Unguliustuk, an earth elemental rival of Ogremeshk.

skulvyn. Lizardlike aquatic demons with the power to slow time.

skarn. lords of the tzaretch.

skulldugger. A type of skeletal demonic undead, used as intermediaries by Gamigin and Orcus.

Socoth-benothas. A prince, probably the same as Socothbenoth.

Socothbenoth. A prince. The Patron of the Tents and Tabernacles of the Daughters. Brother and sometimes lover of Nocticula.

solesik. A breed of lesser tanar'ri that feeds on language.

soulkeeper. A breed of greater tanar'ri that hunts souls.

Soneillon. Princess of Hatred, Cruelty, and Oppression. One of the lilitu. Queen of the empusae. Rules the Salons of Pleasure, where she lures the great war-leaders of the planes and offers them respite and advice.

spawn of Marbas. A warped and tormented creature used as mounts and attack beasts.

spineseeker. A deadly parasitical demon type.

spyder-fiends. Tanar'ri with the appearance of spiders and wolves, servants of the Queen of Chaos. Kakkuu, spithriku, phisarazu, lycosidilith, and raklupis.

ssilhex. A type of demon, described as snaky. Perhaps the same as marilith, lamiae, or herensengue.

stagrynax. A race of demons who care for the tomes of Gresil.

Stygian interloper. A reptilian, shapeshifting demon breed native to the River Styx.

succubus. A type of greater demon; appear as beautiful women with bat wings. One of the lilim.

Sut. The Lord of Lies. Serves Eblitis. Has avian features like a stork.

swamp demon. See Hezrou.

Szhublox. See Juiblex.

Talonclasp. An ahazu serving Vuron.

tanar'ri. The dominant race of demons in the Abyss, infinitely mutable. Classified as least, lesser, greater, guardian or true.

Taramanda. A marilith tanar'ri, ruler of Gallowshill in Blood Tor.

teradrozu. Tall, thin greater tanar'ri, masters of secret lore.

terrorite. True tanar'ri, serpentine, genius-level destruction incarnate. Burning shadows.

Ter-Soth. A true tanar'ri, balor rank; vassal to Orcus.

T'el'Quay. A true tanar'ri, balor rank. Dwells on the 266th layer of the Abyss, known as the Acid Indecision.

Thraxxia. A true tanar'ri, daughter of Graz'zt.

Tir. The Lord of Fatal Accidents. A subtle assassin serving Eblitis. A piglike, piscine creature. Wears gloves, one black and one white.

Trobbo-gotath. A lord (?). Described as a greatest demon of earth. Servant to Demogorgon.

Trrerguon. A true tanar'ri, balor rank. Dwells with his armies in the Veinous Keep on the Abyssal layer called 'Awash.'

Trucran. Trucan is a brilliant tactician, and currently serves Graz'zt as High General. He is hideous to behold, with draping tentacles that hang from a huge skull bearing three faces, and no legs (which were severed in battle with Orcus long ago). He is a devastating suluclac player.

Tsuggtmoy. See Zuggtmoy.

toad-demon. See Hezrou.

Tulchulcha. Ruler of one layer. Tulchulcha has a vulture's beak, snakes for arms, and an equine body. She is known as a tormentor of lost souls.

Turaglas. The Ebon Maw, the Devourer. [Dragon 312]. Only Orcus and Demogorgon fighting together could defeat him. He is imprisoned in an unknown plane, healing his wounds.

tzaretch. A race of weak but highly intelligent demons. Rivals of the tanar'ri. Allies among the tanar'ri lords have included Verin, V'aughrosfl, Tsuggtmoy, Kostchtchie, Graz'zt, Arioch, Lolth, Zzyczesiya.

udvati. The masters of the v'ang, resemble gigantic slugs covered with chitin.

Uliel. A lord, serving either Zuggtmoy or Socothbenoth. Solid form composed of shadow and flame. Huge, well over 10' tall. Able to gate nalfeshnee. Summoned to Prime by means of a tiny bronze figure. Possibly the same as Yuibiri(?). Perhaps an archdemon of the jar'taska, the xuphaitz, or a greater balor of darkness.

umbral: A race of shadow demons with the ability to infect other races with their essence, thus creating more of their kind. Like other shadow demons, they are traders of souls. Possibly a strayed subspecies of the jar'taska brood (q.v.).

Unsere. One of the lilitu. Lady of fertility and sorcery.

uridezu. Lesser tanar'ri of ratlike appearance.

Uruhz. A horse-headed demon patron of the undead. Probably another aspect of Orcus.

Ushablator the Chaos Horror. Prince; described as one of the mightiest princes. Opposed to Graz'zt.

Vaprak. Vaprak the Rotted is a god of ogres and trolls.

Var-Az-Hloo. See Fraz-Urb'loo.

v'ang. An insectoid demon brood, nearly annihilated by the tanar'ri.

V'aughrosfl. A lord, now deposed by the balor Gurtheoinr .

Vaz'zht: See Graz'zt.

vengadi. A winged, antlike demon; one of the brood of v'eng.

Vepar. A prince.

Verin (Vuron, Ztefano), Master of the Roving Hordes, Chancellor to Graz'zt. Verin is one of the most brilliant minds in the Abyss, infinitely patient; able to comprehend the motives of the lawful, chaotic, good, and evil alike and predict their future actions. He hasn't a bit of elitism in his skeletal, transparent body, and he treats tanar'ri and mortals with equal respect. He has a network of spies throughout the plane, and is often found in the courts of other lords of the Abyss to advise and manipulate him; he has special friendships with Zzyczesiya and Vaugh'rofl. As the albino Verin, he is well known as a servant of Graz'zt. In his aspect as the ebon Ztefano, few know his origins or loyalties. Killing one of his aspects will not destroy the other. Acid spittle, gaze attack. Marilith abilities. Tall, stick-like, leather-skinned androgynous albino with red-pink eyes. Handsome, alien mix of demonical and human features. Very evil and intelligent, patient and cunning (for a demon.) Powerful magic use? Able to vomit a deadly energy blast. Wears silvered battle armor and wields a crystalline spear of demon-slaying.

visage. A type of demonic undead with powers over perception.

vlai-mareth. Also called "elf-eaters." A humanoid predator of the tzaretch.

Vloorm. A minor lord, probably the same as Vorm.

voord. A type of tanar'ri. Carrion-eaters, probably the same as vrock.

Vorm. An amorphous lieutenant of Ochremeshk. Called the Unspeakable. Probably the same as Vloorm.

vrock. Weakest of the true demons; also called vulture-demons or screeching demons. Act as elite fighting force in the Blood War. Said to be stupid enough to be susceptible to bribes. Do not have their own individual names. Probably the same as wulox or voord.

vulture-demons. see Vrock.

Vucarik. A prince, Liberator of the Abyss. They say Vucarik was everything everyone expected him to be; exactly what his parents Pale Night and J'sald Xerix expected and exactly what his foes feared. A prisoner of presumptions: he would be a new Great One to challenge Demogorgon and liberate his father. And so he was, for a time. He takes chains into himself. He seeks freedom for others and increasing limitations for himself, to avoid the inevitability of his birth wierd. Vucarik of Chains is imprisoned in a layer with no opening and no closing. His minions, paedions from Carceri and terrible living siege engines, travel the Abyss smashing all walls and constraints. Vucarik's layer is like a metallic parody of Lolth's: infinite chains, dripping with slime and venom, stretching over a maelstrom of wild chaos. There is no light in Vucarik's realm, and those who plummet through the chaos end up in a boiling sea of foul liquid.

Vuron. A lord, see Verin.

vyin. A minor type of v'ang resembling a three-armed preying mantis.

water lords. See wastriliths.

wastrilith. Called Water Lords. An aquatic greater demon type.

weeper. Lamenting demons, treelike in appearance.

Wendonai. A true tanar'ri, balor rank.

wulox. Tall, thin demons with stork-like heads and spindly arms. Probably the same as vrock, or Elder Vrock.

Yartuniu. A powerfully psionic lord; floats through the layers of the Abyss in his fortress Hurfnag.

yavodai. A large, barrellike demon of the v'ang brood.

Yeenoghu. Demon prince of gnolls; also known as Gneenoghu. Controls a vast layer, populated by gnolls, hyenas, hyenadons, ghasts, ghouls, and even some trolls. His great palace is the size of a city; it rolls across the barren salt-waste of his layers, pulled by slaves and controlled by gnolls. Given homage by the King of the Ghouls. Serves Graz'zt, along with Kostchtchie, hates Baphomet. Appears as a huge emaciated gnoll, wielding his feared triple flail.

yochlol. The Handmaidens of Lolth. A type of shapeshifting demon.

Yughooragh. See Yeenoghu.

Yuibiri. A lord, serving either Zuggtomy, Fraz-Urb'loo, or possibly both. Allies with Chidum.

Zabulon. A prince (?).

Zalambur. Lord of Mercantile Dishonesty. Serves Eblitis. Resembles a winged hydra. Often seen in A'shad'ifohg and the Plane of Infinite Portals.

Zalintar. Prince of Torment, owes fealty to Yeenoghu. Opposed to Yeenoghu.

Zanassu. A prince of spiders and aranea, slain by Selvetarm.

zauberie. Minor, winged catlike demons that eat magic.

Zerkaar. A minor lord.

Zhar'Ub-Luur. See Fraz-Urb'luu.

Zomar. A lord, serving Fraz-Urb'loo. Allies with Chidum, Yuibiri. Hostile to Graz'zt. Possibly the same as Uliel?

Zortolagon. Prince; described as one of the mightiest of princes. Opposed to Graz'zt.

zovvut. Greater demons whose gaze creates chaos wights. Said to have been originally created by Orcus.

Ztefano. A mysterious lord with pitch black skin. Thought to be independent of political ties.

zubassu. See zubazu.

zubazu. A type of demon described as a four-winged man-hawk. Their lord is Ogrijek. Also spelled zubassu. Probably the same as nabassu (q.v.).

Zuggtmoy. Demon queen of fungi and molds, kin to Juiblex; also known as Tsuggtmoy, "The Queen of Rot," "The Lady of Fungi," or "Queen of Thallphytia." One of the six most powerful demon princes. Her realm Mycorgi (or Shedaklah, the Slime Pits) includes the 222nd layer. Her realm is populated with poisonous fungi and deadly rot; has other realms scattered among a number of layers of the Abyss. In general, they appear as normal environments overrun by fungus and lit by a purplish light. Zuggtmoy wields the Cauldron of Corruption, a powerful abyssal artifact.

Z'zrami. Demon princess of fire, slain by Raxivort.

Zzyczesiya. A demon queen, Paragon of Innocence. Ally of the tzaretch, and frequent foe of Kostchtchie.

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