
True Lord of the First Hell (imprisoned)

The Destroyer, the Locust King, Angel of the Pit

Alliases:  Apollyon, Appolion, Appolyon, Abaddon

AoC: locusts, punishment, imprisonment, evil war, corruption through the following of orders

Superior: none

Allies: Tiamat, Michael

Rivals: Lucifer, Bel

After the War in Heaven, it was deemed necessary for a loyal servant of Good to descend from Mount Glory to Baator in order to prevent the Fallen from escaping or wrecking havoc on nearby planes. The strongest of Michael's generals, Apollyon, was chosen and was given the position of guarding Hell's first layer. Baator corrupts the best, however, and Apollyon was never that.

The Angel of the Pit began creating special baatezu to aid her in punishing the wicked inhabitants of her domain. The Locusts, as they were called, resembled a cross between gelugons, kocrachons and osyluths with insectoid features and scorpion tails. As time went by she began using them to herd the baatezu into armies. Her relentless crusade against the enemies of Law and Good is said to be one of the origins of the Blood War (though there is evidence that the conflict had been going on already for eons; that the Elder Hellions had fought it, and the primal thought-creatures of the astral plane had fought it before the Great Ring even existed). The archdevils seized upon this idea, immediately recognizing the use of a war in training troops, strengthening loyalties, and determining advancement. In addition, they hated chaos as much as any archon -- their malicious natures only heightening this -- and were eager to hurt it in any way they could.

Apollyon continued to create locust servitors, and her generals began to chafe under the rule of one they considered alien (though in truth she was one no longer). Lead by the chief warlord Bel, Amduscias, Malphas and Goap surprised her. With his subordinates orchestrating a siege, Bel broke in and battled the weakened Angel of the Pit, ultimately binding her in her own webs.

The jailer jailed, her minions exterminated, Apollyon was locked beneath the throne of Bel in Avernus' deepest pit. Even today her struggles cause cataclysms and turmoil throughout the layer, but they grow weaker as Bel bleeds off more and more of her energy.

In ancient times the moon-god Sin, knowing Apollyon's reputation as a guardian, entrusted her with Tiamat's Tablets of Fate to prevent the dragon goddess from stealing them back and re-conquering Arcadia. Now, struggling in her prison, Apollyon is offering them back to their original owner in exchange for freedom; the results of this pact remain to be seen.

Heaven's warlord is said to be still favorably disposed towards his old friend. He too is attempting to break Apollyon out.

Today the Locust King resembles a vast serpent with angel's wings and dozens of eyes.

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