
Star of Morning, Bright Lord of Nessus, the Lightbearer, the Oldest Flame

Aliases: Lucer, Shaher, Helel ben Saher, Atar, Iblis, Sammael

AoC: Power, light, ungodly enlightenment, redemption

Superior: none

Allies: Astaroth

Rivals: none

Subordinates: Penemue (Watcher lord of writing), Belial, the divs


Lucifer always did what he had to do.

When the monster Azri Dahka terrorized the multiverse, it was Lucifer who stopped it.

When Gian ben Gian and his divs rebelled against the Lords of Good, it was Lucifer who slew the genie lord in personal combat.


When Jazirian disappeared, and the choirs of Law were in disarray, he too it upon himself to put them back in order.

When that got him exiled, he made the best of things and carved a place for himself in Ahriman's ranks.

When the war ended and Ahriman disappeared, he put the hierarchy in order again just as he had before. He conquered an empire in Baator's ancient and alien law, and made a place for the daevas to live.

He did it because no one else would, and because it had to be done.

Lucifer, the Star of Morning, was Atar, a creation of Jazirian who tried to rule the Amesha Spentas in his Father-Mother's absence.He was exiled with Ahriman and given the task of establishing divine order in Hell. He took to liking his new job and when he was offered a chance to repent and return to the Heavenly fold, he declined. With Ahriman lost and senseless, the daevas were in great disarray. The upper ranks were classic aasimon -- they lived and breathed only their Power, and with that source cut off, they had difficulty even thinking. Even Druj, the cunning Mistress of Lies, stood rooted in one place and spouted only obvious fallacies. Aeshma, master of rage, went on an orgy of destruction. Lacking purpose, he destroyed everything and everyone in sight.

Still Ahriman would not answer. Its children feared it was dead. Something had to be done.

So it was left to others to fill the void in the chain of command. After some jostling and infighting three came out as the clear winners.

First was Gargoth, known as the Dragon. Slow to come to any decision, he spent most of his time merely thinking. Once he made up his mind, however, he was unstoppable, powerful, and skilled at gaining the support of others like no other of his kind.

Second was Armaros, the Magus. None among the fallen had this one's sense of innovation. Armaros could turn almost anything into a source of power.

Third was the Morningstar, he who had been cast out of Jazirian's ranks. Unquenchable was the Morningstar's ambition, and unquestionable was his aptitude for leadership.

These three met in council and agreed on three courses of action.

First, their hold over the daeva race must be unquestionable.

Second, the plane of Baator must be conquered utterly, its ancien and alien law extinguished and replaced with their own.

Third, a race of warriors must be created to aid them in this.

They set to work. Gargoth brought allies, Armaros broght respect, and the Morningstar broght results.

With the aid of several powers of Acheron, including Hextor and Bane, Lucifer and his minions cleared the layers of their native race, the Elder Hellions, killing them or driving them beneath the surface. Only their young, the infinite nupperibos, remained. Lucifer then directed a task force to design a new race to populate Baator's vasty depths. The race was named with four glyphs: Baalim Atar Erebus Zu (Winged Lords of Fire and Darkness -- Lucifer had a flair for the dramatic, and for using four languages at once), or Ba'atezu, though they are sometimes called "devils": a corruption of the original word Daeva. The task force survives to this day and is responsible for the modest changes in each "generation" of devils. Since an undisclosed number will be forced totake on whatever shape they design, each member of the team is veryconservative in their plans. The basic baatezu form: wings, hooves, scales, horns, and all, is said to be modeled on the true form of Lucifer himself, though no one knows for sure.Chafing under Lucifer's reign and eager for more power, Baalzebul forced the Dark Lord to accept Belial and himself as co-rulers. Lucifer managed, by playing his rivals against each other, to regain his position, but abruptly quit, tiring of the game, and decided to seek a legendary Grail in hope that its recovery would grant him redemption. Lucifer's current whereabouts are unknown. He no longer has priests; all worship of Lucifer is accepted by the current Dark Lord of Nessus.

(Back to Hell with you!)