Lord of the Fourth Hell
The Fury of Phlegethos, Mistress of Vengence
Aliases: Felial, Tisiphone, Jeanette
AoC: lawlessness, rape, cruelty, beauty, greed, penitence, mercy, despair, poetry, rivers and fire
Superior: The Dark Lord of Nessus
Allies: Belial, Lilith
Subordinates: Alecto and Megaera (erinyes dukes), Frauenzorn (Woman's Wrath'), Gazra
Rivals: Glasya
In her mortal life, Fierana was a prostitute serving an ancient general. A child of abuse and fear, one day she snapped, stealing her patron's sword and killing, in order, her newly born child, the general, and herself. Soon after, her soul plummeted down to the fiery plains of Phlegethos as a larva. Great Belial noticed the squirming thing and divined its potential. It transformed the larva into an imp, adopting it as its daughter (as it had done for others in the past), and giving it very special tasks to help judge its true worth. Fierana proved a clever innovator, quickly capturing the requisite nine souls needed to ensure its promotion to the status of lemure, where it proved itself an able fighter in Belial's circus. As a spinagon, Fierana proved herself best suited for the profession of Winged Avenger, swooping down on foes many times her size. From abishai to erinyes to pit fiend, the Avenger became her Father's premier carrot-and-stick, luring victim after victim into his service and punishing those who annoyed or transgressed against him. Her loyalty was unquestionable, her services invaluable. Soon she was promoted to the status of noble, heading an entire ministry of erinyes who followed in her path. As the Fury of Phlegethos, she was granted the form of a fiery angel, very close to Belial in appearance.
After the last Reckoning, the Dark Lord saw her loyalty and abilities, and saw too the dependency that had grown between Fierana and her Father. The Prince of Darkness decreed that thenceforth Belial and Fierana would rule Phlegethos together as a dyad, and that neither should act without the consent of the other.
Lately, Fierana has been expanding her interests to cover rivers, as part of her interest in dominating neighboring Stygia and the river Pyriphlegethos.